Is Softee good for your hair?

Is Softee good for your hair?

Softee Hair Food Natural Herbal Oil Formula: Helps soften and condition dry and damaged hair. Provides gloss and manageability for your hair. Softee Natural Herbal Oil formula controls new growth and maintains the smooth, well-groomed look you desire. Instructions for regular use: apply to hair before styling.

What does Softee Herbal Gro do?

Product description Softee Herbal grow formula contains a unique blend of all natural herbs, vitamins A, D, and E, as well as essential oils that promote healthy, manageable hair. Vitamins A, D, and E help reduce environmental damage to hair and provides nourishment for the scalp and all hair types.

How do you use Softee Herbal Gro?

Product description Vitamins A, D, and E help reduce environmental damage to hair and provides nourishment for the scalp and all hair types. Massage gently onto all areas of the hair and the scalp. Comb through to distribute thoroughly. Repeat daily.

Is Grease good for your hair?

Hair Grease does NOT moisturize your hair, but it does seal moisture into your hair. If you desire to use grease in your regimen you should be using it to help you prevent moisture loss as using it on its own will not moisturize your hair. You should be using water or a water-based leave-in conditioner product first.

Is it bad if I haven’t showered in a week?

You Can’t Contain Bad Bacteria So, when you skip that shower, you’re letting a day go by where your body is not strengthening your skin’s good bacteria, making it more susceptible to harmful bacteria. When you go yet another day without bathing, it only adds to your chances of being vulnerable to bad bacteria.

Why does a person not want to shower?

Ablutophobia is a specific phobia in which individuals have an irrational fear of bathing or washing. It can affect children and adults and is more common in women than men. People with specific phobias know that their fears are not realistic, but they are unable to address them.