Users questions

Is Skins American or British?

Is Skins American or British?

Skins is a British teen comedy-drama television series that follows the lives of a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form.

Does Netflix have skins USA?

In total, seven seasons are available on Netflix (Netflix refers to these as volumes) with 61 episodes in total set to leave on August 2nd, 2020. The series is set to leave Netflix in multiple regions including Netflix USA, Netflix Australia, India, and Canada.

What is wrong with Chris in Skins?

Chris died in Season 2 Episode 9, of a brain haemorrhage like his brother. The gang celebrates their A-Level results and go to Chris’s funeral in the last episode.

Why are there no dads in Toy Story?

Eventually recovering from polio, he met his wife as an adult and had Andy Jr. BUT, around the time Andy’s sister was born, he came down with post-polio syndrome, which he ended up dying from—but not before he entrusted his precious Woody doll to his son.

How old is Andy from Toy Story now?

17 years old

Is Andy’s dad in Toy Story 4?

As a child, Andy is portrayed as being an eager, imaginative boy who lives with his mother and younger sister Molly; his father is never seen or mentioned in the films. He is 6 years old in his debut and is the owner of Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and the other toys, which he treats with a large amount of love.

Is Toy Story based on a true story?

A viral video explaining the tragic backstory to Pixar’s 1995 hit Toy Story is fake, says Pixar’s Andrew Stanton, who co-wrote all three Toy Story films. “Complete and utter fake news,” Stanton tweeted today, signing off with the hashtag “iwasthere.”

Do the Toy Story aliens have names?

In Toy Story 2: The Video Game, the aliens are also sold at Al’s Toy Barn, and their box names them Mr. Martian. A mothership also lost a few of these Aliens, which it needs to return home.