Is Photofeeler reliable?

Is Photofeeler reliable?

Photofeeler is the most accurate tool in the world for photo feedback.

Is Photofeeler anonymous?

Photofeeler, founded in 2013, is a website that allows users to receive anonymous feedback on their photos from other users. Users can either pay for the service or earn credit by rating others’ submissions. The site has three categories — business, social, and dating — each of which are rated for different qualities.

How do you use a Photofeeler?

All you need to do is provide your name and email address and upload the image you’d like analyzed. While the AI would be virtually instantaneous, to get the votes from other users, the “human voters” it can take about an hour. Also, Photofeeler is not exactly “free“ as advertised.

What is karma on Photofeeler?

You earn Karma by voting here. Every time you submit a vote, you’ll notice a progress bar appears on the vote button. This bar shows you how close you are to reaching the next Karma level. The more Karma you earn, the more votes you can expect to receive on your own Karma test.

How do I uninstall Photofeeler?

Go to My Tests and tap the test.

  1. Then click the pause button on the right side.
  2. Then tap the PAUSE button on the right side.
  3. Click the delete button to delete the test.
  4. Tap the DELETE button to delete the test.

What happens if I delete POF app?

1. If you use the POF mobile app, know that deleting it from your phone won’t delete your profile! You won’t have the app on your phone anymore, but your profile will still be viewable by other people with the app. So remember to use the link above to delete your profile correctly and permanently.

Can you delete POF from the app?

Delete or Hide POF Account – It’s Up to You Using the app on your mobile device to delete your account is quite similar to using the web portal, particularly because you’re quickly redirected to the mobile version of the browser to finish the steps. It still can all done in a few minutes.

How do I hide my Plenty of Fish profile?

Go to My Profile. Scroll to the middle and look on the right hand side to see your editable profile option to Profile Visibility. Toggle Hide my profile to be turned on or off depending upon your preference.

How do you hide your Facebook profile?

How Do I ‘Hide’ My Personal Facebook Account?

  1. Login to your Facebook profile, and click the arrow in the upper right corner of the Facebook page. Then, click “Settings”.
  2. In the menu on the left, click “Privacy”.
  3. Under the “Your Activity” section, edit “Who can see your future posts?” and change it to “Only me”.

Can someone know if you look at their Facebook profile?

No, Facebook doesn’t let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

Can someone tell if you looked them up on TruthFinder?

Does TruthFinder notify the person you look up? Your TruthFinder search history is always private, so the person in question will never know that you searched for their report.