Users questions

Is OxiClean safe for colors?

Is OxiClean safe for colors?

OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover is color safe. However, not all clothing is colorfast. Always remember to test for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area before using the product. For best results, add all powders to water before adding fabrics.

Can you use OxiClean on darks?

Washing Dark Clothes is Easy with OxiClean™ Dark Protect™ Use Dark Protect™ on your black clothes to remove stains, help prevent fading and pilling, and extend the life of your dark clothing.

Can you use OxiClean white revive on colors?

OxiClean™ White Revive™ Laundry Whitener + Stain Remover chlorine bleach-free powder whitens whites 40% better than chlorine bleach without the chlorine smell and it’s safe on colors.

Can you mix OxiClean and detergent?

OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover should not be mixed with Chlorine bleach or household chemicals other than in the wash with your regular laundry detergent. Add OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover directly to the drum before adding clothing.

Is OxiClean harmful?

Does OxiClean Work and Is It Environmentally Safe? OxiClean is safe for the environment and safe for septic systems. According to the OxiClean company, because the products are made using compounds found naturally in the environment, they do not harm living things.

Can you use OxiClean in toilets?

Toilet, Tub & Tiles (Concentrate) OxiClean really nails it in the bathroom. I often use it on grout lines and around the area where the toilet meets the floor. I apply liberally with a cleaning toothbrush, let it sit for about 10 or 15 minutes and then wipe up with some clean water and paper towel.

What is similar to OxiClean?

4 Alternatives That Work Just As Well as OxiClean

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and washing soda.
  • Store-bought oxygen bleach.
  • Pure sodium percarbonate.

How do you get mold stains out of colored clothes?

Do not wash it with any other garments, as you don’t want the smell or mold spores to get on your other clothing. Wash it with hot water and your normal color-safe detergent. Add one cup of white vinegar to the wash water. Rinse the garment in hot water as well.

How does baking soda remove mold from fabric?

Dissolve baking soda into water or water-and-vinegar solution, and spray onto surface. Let it sit, then scrub and wipe with a damp cloth. Baking soda is a natural disinfectant and very mild, so this solution will clean mold without leaving behind a scent.

How do you get mold out of fabric without bleach?

If the article cannot be bleached, try removing the mold with lemon juice or white vinegar. Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice or vinegar and place it on the stain. Allow it to soak for several minutes. Remove the pad and sprinkle the area with some salt to further boost the effect of the acid.