Is my corn snake too skinny?

Is my corn snake too skinny?

An overweight corn snake will have lots of fat rolls and a bulge near the base of the tail, referred to as “hips.” An underweight cornsnake will be very triangular shaped, with a prominent spine and skinny tail. A healthy corn should be shaped roughly like a loaf of bread – slightly rounded on top, and flat sides.

How do I know if my corn snake is dying?

How to Know If Your Pet Snake Is Dying

  1. Unusual Posture and Movement.
  2. Scale Condition and Swelling.
  3. Breathing Problems.
  4. Discharges.
  5. Lack of Appetite and Weight Loss.
  6. Dehydration.
  7. Problems With Feces.
  8. Lethargy.

Why is my corn snake not active?

Corn snakes are crepuscular (active at night, but most active around dawn/dusk), so it’s not terribly unusual for them to remain hidden and sleep during the day. If it’s not active at night, the most likely possibility is that it is preparing to shed.

Why is my corn snake so active at night?

In the wild, the night time is when they would hunt prey. For diurnal species, such as hognose snakes, the opposite is true. Corn snakes and milk snakes are mostly crepuscular. This means they’re most active during dawn and dusk….

Why does my corn snake burrow?

Corn snakes burrow, especially as babies. It’s safe and secure. Cold to the touch doesn’t mean cold – remember that your skin is usually around or over 90F. If the snake isn’t digesting and is just hanging out until its next meal, it will likely be in a cooler part of the tank….

How do you get a snake out of hiding?

Place a heating pad in the corner of a room and cover with newspapers and a hiding box. Snakes prefer to move along the edges of walls rather than in the open. Your loose snake will not leave if it runs into a warm, safe hiding box with which it is familiar.

Is it normal for my corn snake to hide all the time?

Cassie this is very normal for a corn snake. They are mostly nocturnal. I am sure she comes out at night and moves around. The fact that she hides in different places is good, because it means she is comfortable all over the viv….