Users questions

Is Jared doing cleanings?

Is Jared doing cleanings?

Free Lifetime Cleaning and Inspections Bring your diamond or color gemstone jewelry into any Jared® The Galleria Of Jewelry location as often as you wish for free professional cleaning and inspection. (Cleaning and inspections are not available at

Where does Tiffany’s get their diamonds?

Most of the company’s diamonds come from mines in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Russia and Canada. Tiffany’s suppliers of polished diamonds follow a protocol that ensures the diamonds did not originate in countries with diamond-related human rights concerns, such as Zimbabwe and Angola, the company said.

Is it ethical to buy diamonds?

Because of the Kimberley Process, 99.8% of diamonds are now certified conflict-free and there is much greater accountability and transparency in the diamond industry. Unfortunately, just because a diamond has been certified by the Kimberly Process does not necessarily mean it is ethical or even conflict-free.

Are Blood Diamonds still a thing?

A lot has been done to address the issue of blood diamonds and conflict diamonds since then, but unfortunately, we still have a ways to go. Historically, the African diamond trade has been riddled with corruption and violence that many people think has subsided following the civil wars of the 1990s and early 2000s.

Why are mined diamonds bad?

Environment. Due to poor planning and weak regulation, diamond mining has caused environmental devastation, severely damaging the land and water. This irresponsible mining has caused soil erosion and deforestation, and has forced local communities to relocate.

Where is the best country to buy diamonds?

Countries in the Diamond Business May Offer Better Prices

  • India – Mumbai and Surat are the cities with the most diamond cutters.
  • China.
  • Dubai.
  • Thailand – nearly all diamond cutting in Thailand happens in Bangkok.
  • Belgium – Antwerp is the diamond trading capital of the world.

Which country has the best diamonds?

Top five diamond mining countries in the world

  1. Russia. Home to arguably the richest and largest diamond resources in the world, Russia tops the list with more than 12 open-pit mines.
  2. Botswana. Africa’s top diamond producer, Botswana sits second in this global list.
  3. Democratic Republic of Congo.
  4. Australia.
  5. Canada.

What are the different colors of diamonds?

Diamonds occur in a variety of colors—steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and black. Colored diamonds contain interstitial impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration; pure diamonds are perfectly transparent and colorless.

Where is largest diamond mine?


Are there any diamond mines in the US?

Although millions of carats of diamonds are consumed each year in the United States, very few diamonds are domestically produced. The only active diamond mine in the country is the Crater of Diamonds Mine near Murfreesboro, Pike County, Arkansas. Many colored diamonds have been found at Crater of Diamonds.

How much does it cost to mine diamonds?

While total typical operating costs could range from $30–65/t for open pit mining to well over $150/t for the backfill underground method, in reality the costs of some recent diamond projects are higher.

Who controls the diamond mines in South Africa?

De Beers Consolidated Mines Company