Is it legal to make your own moonshine in Kentucky?

Is it legal to make your own moonshine in Kentucky?

However, distilling alcohol at home, even for personal use, is illegal under federal law. In 2010, legal moonshine stills opened in some parts of the south, including South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, and Alabama. These produced legal moonshine for sale and distribution.

Can you distill alcohol at home in Kentucky?

No. Kentucky Revised Statute Section 244.170 provides that “No person shall buy, bargain, sell, loan, own, possess or knowingly transport any apparatus designed for the unlawful manufacture of alcoholic beverages”.

Does Kentucky sell moonshine?

Kentucky was among the first states to legalize moonshine sales from properly licensed distilleries around 2010. It continues to use square copper stills to manufacture traditional and oak-charred moonshine. Stillhouse Moonshine is It’s all-natural, handcrafted and copper pot distilled, 100% estate-grown corn whiskey.

Can you make moonshine legally at home?

To be clear, it’s illegal to make moonshine without a license from the federal government. If you’re willing to throw down the time, money and pain involved in getting a Federal liquor distiller’s license, you can make your own moonshine all day long legally.

Why is making whiskey illegal?

According to federal law, making beverage alcohol at home is illegal, plain and simple. Distilled spirits like whiskey are taxed at the highest rate of any alcohol, far more than either beer or wine. (Actually, a tax on spirits as the very first tax ever levied in the United States.)

Can I buy beer on Sunday in Kentucky?

An alcohol-licensed business may sell alcohol Monday through Saturday from 6:00 a.m. until midnight. However, counties, cities, precincts may permit sales after midnight and on Sunday. Kentucky has 120 counties. The Kentucky Department of Alcohol Beverage maintain a list of counties as wet, dry, or moist.

Why is it illegal to make moonshine but not beer?

So why is moonshine still illegal? Because the liquor is worth more to the government than beer or wine. Uncle Sam takes an excise tax of $2.14 for each 750-milliliter bottle of 80-proof spirits, compared with 21 cents for a bottle of wine (of 14 percent alcohol or less) and 5 cents for a can of beer.

Is it legal to Age Your Own Whiskey?

The most traditional method of DIY whiskey aging is to purchase or build a charred white oak barrel. Once hydrated, drain the water then fill it with clear, un-aged whiskey and leave it sit for a couple of weeks. Remember, it’s illegal to distill your own alcohol for consumption without a distilled spirits permit.

Can you buy alcohol in KY on Sunday?

Sunday sales of liquor are permitted in Kentucky; however, local ordinances govern whether or not the sale of liquor on Sunday is allowed in each city. In Louisville, Ky., liquor can be served from 1 p.m. to 4 a.m. on Sunday, while other metro cities stop sales at 2 a.m.

What counties in KY are dry?

Kentucky dry counties are Adair, Allen, Ballard, Bath, Breathitt, Butler, Carlisle, Casey, Clinton, Crittenden, Cumberland, Elliott, Estill, Fleming, and Hancock. Also Hart, Hickman, Jackson, Knott, Knox, Larue, Lawrence, Lee, Leslie, Lincoln, McCreary, McLean, Martin, Menifee, and Metcalfe.

Does a moonshine still have to be made out of copper?

What do I want to distill? As I mentioned above, copper is a vital component when you’re distilling spirits. However, your entire still doesn’t have to be made out of copper in order to get the sulfur-eliminating benefits. You can go with a stainless steel still and also use copper in your column packing.

Can you make moonshine in aluminum pressure cooker?

Make sure that it is a clean container, and should be copper or stainless steel. Do not use aluminum or other metals as this will produce a chemical reaction that will contaminate your moonshine and will be dangerous to your health.