Users questions

Is it I have send or I have sent?

Is it I have send or I have sent?

They are both correct in the right circumstances. Examples: Question “When are you going to send me the goods?” Answer “I have already sent the goods.” Just a normal past tense. The other words “I had already sent” means that time had gone by after the goods were sent (or something occurred after the goods were sent).

How do you say I have sent you an email?

I have sent you an email vs I have send you an email. When using the helping verb have, the correct form of the past tense of the verb to send is sent. Expert Tip! If the action is complete, it is usually better to use the more direct form, I sent you an email.

Has to be sent or has to be send?

‘To be sent’ is correct because ‘tobe’ must be followed by past participle in this instance and ‘sent’ is a past participle. It is in passive form . e.g. The Court wants medical reports to be sent to it.

Should not be send or sent?

The proper form of this modal verb phrase is “should be sent,” not “should be send.” However, you could say, “should send.”

Is it send me or send to me?

2 Answers. “Send it to me” is correct and more commonly used. Although “send me it” is grammatically correct, it’s not commonly used in formal writing.

What does sending me mean?

The Brief: Sending me means “exciting me.”

What does you know you know mean?

For example, I have a dancer friend who posted a thing about some routine she was having trouble with on Instagram and said “if you know, you know.” In that context, she means “if you’re a dancer, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Which has or that has?

‘Has’ is always used for singular noun. Therefore, ‘Which has’ is MORE POPULAR. This is because ‘which’ is used to provide additional information about the noun in the preceding clause. Now, in case the noun is plural, use ‘that’ in place of ‘which’ and ‘have’ in place of ‘has’.