Users questions

Is busier a word?

Is busier a word?

“Busier” is a comparative: more busy than something else. You could be busier than another person, or busier than you were yesterday, etc. “Very busy” is an absolute.

How do you spell busyness?

This “-y” to “-iness” transformation is a natural part of our everyday spelling. The problem is that “business” is already a word. Therefore, the correct word to use when thinking about the busy nature of your day-to-day is “busyness.”

What does BUZY mean?

The word buzy is used in Texting, is a general term meaning busy,Illiterates use buzy instead of busy to show off their education.

What’s the opposite of busy?

What is the opposite of busy?

lazy slack
bone-idle lackadaisical
unambitious work-shy
faineant fainéant
procrastinative otiose

What is the adjective for busy?

Adjective. busy, industrious, diligent, assiduous, sedulous mean actively engaged or occupied. busy chiefly stresses activity as opposed to idleness or leisure….

How do you say someone is busy?

First let’s look at different ways to say that a person is busy.

  1. I am busy. The most basic way to express this.
  2. I’m as busy as a bee.
  3. I’m slammed.
  4. I’m so busy (that) I can’t even…
  5. I’m buried (in work).
  6. I’m overwhelmed (with work).
  7. I’m up to my ears in work.
  8. I’ve got a lot on my plate.

What is the meaning of busiest?

Filters. Superlative form of busy: most busy.

What do you say when someone says they’ve been busy?

Vote for the best comeback when someone says I’m too busy to see you

  • You’ll always have time for the things you put first.
  • Let me know when you’re available so I can make sure I’m busy.
  • No calls I understand. No texts I understand.
  • No matter how busy someone is, if they really care, they will always find time for you.

What to say when she says she’s busy?

The best way to respond to a girl who says she is busy is to relax and not express any disappointment. If she says she is busy now but is willing to find the time when both of you are free, it could just mean she really is busy. She may like you, or she is at least willing to get to know you more.

What to say instead of I apologize for the inconvenience?

4 Better Ways to Express ‘Sorry for the Inconvenience’ in Email

  • 1 “I understand your frustration.”
  • 2 “I realize this is disappointing.”
  • 3 “Thanks for your patience.”
  • 4 “Let me help.”