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Is Britannica com reliable?

Is Britannica com reliable?

The Encyclopedia Britannica contains carefully edited articles on all major topics. The articles in Britannica are written by authors both identifiable and credible.

Is Britannica a peer reviewed source?

Encyclopedias are considered a scholarly source. The content is written by an academic for an academic audience. While entries are reviewed by an editorial board, they are not “peer-reviewed”.

Is Britannica a bias?

In review, Encyclopedia Britannica provides an enormous amount of information covering history, science, technology, and more. When it comes to bias, Forbes did an analysis that showed Britannica is less biased than Wikipedia.

Can I cite Britannica?

Always cite Britannica as your source when you use information from it in a report or research paper. When you quote an article, name the article, the Britannica Library the article comes from, the Britannica software product, the copyright, and the date you accessed the article, as shown in the following examples.

Why is Britannica a credible source?

Encyclopedia Britannica: It has a real editorial staff, and high quality articles. It is, however, a general encyclopedia, and so its purpose is to meet the needs of a general audience, not a specialist audience.

Who runs Britannica?

Jacqui Safra

What is the purpose of Britannica?

Britannica’s goal is to share the best, most up-to-date knowledge that its audience wants, and its editors use a variety of strategies to accomplish that goal: they may commission original encyclopedic articles from experts on topics never before described in Britannica, or they may produce videos that explain complex …

What kind of source is Britannica?

No, the Encyclopedia Britannica is a tertiary source. An encyclopedia references information without any analysis or opinion, therefore, it is a tertiary source. Nevertheless, depending on the scope of your research, encyclopedias can be referenced as primary sources.

Is Britannica Online Free?

Encyclopedia Britannica offers its entire database online for no charge. The entire Encyclopedia Britannica, a 32-volume set that sells for $1,250 in book form, has been placed on the Internet free of charge, the publishers of the 231-year-old reference work announced Tuesday.

Which encyclopedia is the best?


  • Probert Encyclopaedia – online topical encyclopedia consisting of almost 100,000 short entries, published by Mathew Probert and based in the United Kingdom.
  • World Book Encyclopedia – designed for family use; the world’s best selling print encyclopedia.

What can you do with old encyclopedias?

Recycling encyclopedias Call your local library and ask if you may donate your set to be sold. Put it up for giveaway on If they’re really old — say, more than 100 years — call a rare bookseller and ask if they’re worth anything. Find out if a local recycler takes them.

Is it OK to throw books away?

Paperbacks can be recycled as-is, but hardcovers must be removed before being sent to recycling. Books with moldy pages cannot be recycled, but must be tossed in the trash before they can spread their mold to other books. If a book cannot be reused or given new life in some other way, it’s perfectly okay to recycle it.

Should you keep old textbooks?

Even when you are in the workforce, you might still need to look something up in your old textbook. If that is the case, you should not keep the textbook. In short, you should keep textbooks for your major, especially the introductory textbook, because you might need to reference it in the future.

What do 20 year old college textbooks do?

What to do With Leftover College Textbooks After You Graduate

  • Sell Them: Who doesn’t want to make some cash!
  • Donate Them: Local libraries and other mom and pop bookstores are always looking for donations.
  • Recycle Them: If a local library or bookstore aren’t interested in your books, then take them to a nearby recycling center.

Is Sellbackyourbook a good website?

“great buyback prices, fast easy and convenient ” – Corri S. “It was easy to navigate through their website. I was able to enter in my ISBNs at once and then was given a quote for my textbooks. Yes, I will use sellbackyourbooks again because it also gave you the option of either using FedEx or U.S. Postal.