Users questions

Is a token creature a permanent?

Is a token creature a permanent?

Tokens are permanents. Tokens, being permanents, are affected by Devastation Tide. Each token leaves the battlefield. State-based actions are checked and each token ceases to exist.

Do token cards go to the graveyard?

A: Tokens go to the graveyard as regular creatures, and are removed as a “state-based effect” when a player gets priority again. They stay in the graveyard long enough to trigger abilities, like the one of Soulcatchers’ Aerie, before they are removed.

Do tokens leave the graveyard?

Tokens are not cards even if represented by pieces of card board. Tokens cannot trigger the artifact for that reason. They do leave the graveyard by ceasing to exist, since they were there and then they are not, therefore they left.

Can you sacrifice a token creature?

Creature tokens count as creatures in every way; You can sacrifice and exile them to pay costs normally.

What is a token creature in Magic?

A token is a marker used to represent any permanent that isn’t represented by a card. 111.2. The player who creates a token is its owner. The token enters the battlefield under that player’s control.

Can you exile a token?

After a token has left the battlefield, it can no longer change zones, so a token can’t be exiled after entering the graveyard from the battlefield.

Do tokens ETB?

Yes, the enter-the-battlefield ability will trigger. 701.6a To create one or more tokens with certain characteristics, put the specified number of tokens with the specified characteristics onto the battlefield. When a token is created, it enters the battlefield.

Does copying a creature trigger ETB effects?

You are correct that a clone copying a creature with an ETB like shriekmaw will trigger the ETB. Clone and its freinds go seemless from a clone spell on the stack to copy of whatever you chose to copy as it resolves and enters the battlefield so the game sees the chosen creature ETB.

Do token creatures count towards deck?

Tokens are not real Magic: the Gathering cards. They cannot exist in your hand. You cannot add tokens to your deck. The rules simply do not allow you to cast them.

Do tokens count as creatures?

Yup. Tokens behave just like regular creatures in every way, except that they cease to exist when they leave play.

Are tokens affected by summoning sickness?

Artifacts, enchantments, etc. HOWEVER: here’s the catch: the only thing ACTUALLY AFFECTED by it are creatures. Simple as that. Token, copy, regular creature, you name it, it has summoning sickness if it doesn’t have haste.

Do tokens count as cards?

No, tokens are not cards and any effect that looks at cards will not see them.

Can Scapeghost tokens be tributed?

The downsides are that the tokens can’t be tributed and you’re unable to special summon from the extra deck while you control one.

Can I use tokens to link summon?

As long as the materials meet the requirements of the Link Monster you want to Summon, you can use a Token or Trap Card that is treated as a monster as the Link Material. The amount of materials you use matches the Link Rating (Link Monsters count as 1 OR their own Link Rating).

Can Yugioh tokens attack?

Yes they can attack. They should be basically the same as normal monsters except they cannot be used as Xyz materials. The card that summons the tokens can have restrictions on them.

Can I XYZ summon with tokens?

Token Monsters can be used as Fusion, Synchro, or Link Materials. Tokens cannot be used as Xyz Materials, because Xyz Materials are attached to the Xyz Monster and attached Xyz Materials are not considered to be on the field.

Do tokens have original attack?

Really the question is, does the atk the token gets count as its original attack? After all, tokens don’t really exist until they are summoned, so there’s not a card with an original stat of 0.