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Is a Social Security number qualitative or quantitative?

Is a Social Security number qualitative or quantitative?

Some variables, such as social security numbers and zip codes, take numerical values, but are not quantitative: They are qualitative or categorical variables.

Why are Social Security numbers considered qualitative?

The data are quantitative because they consist of counts or measurements. Explain why Social Security Number is considered a qualitative variable even though it contains numbers. Addition and subtraction of Social Security Numbers does not provide meaningful results. This makes it qualitative even though it is numeric.

What type of data are Social Security numbers?

Data Type Description While Social Security numbers are a type of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the legal requirements for protecting them are much more stringent than for other PII.

Is Social Security numbers nominal or ordinal?

Nominal: Categorical data and numbers that are simply used as identifiers or names represent a nominal scale of measurement. Numbers on the back of a baseball jersey and your social security number are examples of nominal data.

What type of data values are quantitative and the number of values is finite or countable?

A discrete variable is a quantitative variable that has either a finite number of possible values or a countable number of values.

What is your Social Security number?

Finding Your Social Security Number If you have a Social Security Number, you can find it on your Social Security card. Some other places that you can find your SSN are on tax returns, W-2s and bank statements. You may even find it on previously filed USCIS forms.

What do the numbers mean in your Social Security number?

The nine-digit SSN is composed of three parts: The first set of three digits is called the Area Number. The second set of two digits is called the Group Number. The final set of four digits is the Serial Number.

Is social security number ordinal?

Nominal: Categorical data and numbers that are simply used as identifiers or names represent a nominal scale of measurement. Numbers on the back of a baseball jersey and your social security number are examples of nominal data. first, second, and third place represent ordinal data.

What are the example of nominal?

Examples of nominal variables include: genotype, blood type, zip code, gender, race, eye color, political party.

What type of data values are quantitative and the number of values?

A discrete variable is a quantitative variable that has either a finite number of possible values or a countable number of values. (Countable means that the values result from counting – 0, 1, 2, 3.)