Users questions

Is 0141 a landline number?

Is 0141 a landline number?

The 0141 area code is for Glasgow and the surrounding area….0141 area code information.

Area code: 0141
Council area: Glasgow City
Call costs: Normal landline rate
Area code required for local calls: No

What area code is 03333?


Who called me 0330?

⚠️ The prevailing review of 0330 indicates that it is one of those fictitious car insurance claim suggesting that you or a loved one have been in an accident. They may pretend to be from an official-sounding organisation, using names such as ‘Road Accident Helpline’ or ‘Accident Investigation Department’.

What is this number 0330?

What are 0330 Numbers? 0330 numbers are non-geographic numbers that cost the same as calling a standard UK landline with a 01 or 02 prefix. 0330 numbers were introduced in 2007 and since then they’ve become an increasingly popular choice for businesses as a cheaper alternative to 0800 numbers (Freephone).

Is this number free 0330?

No, 0330 numbers are not freephone numbers. However, they aren’t premium rate numbers so it should cost the same to call as any other landline. As many phone providers include free minutes to landlines, the call will often be free if it does not last longer than the number of monthly allocated minutes.

How do I block an 0330 number?

Just find the number you want to block from your list of recent callers. Hit the ‘i’ symbol beside it and select ‘Block this caller’ to stop this number from calling or texting you. You can manage blocked numbers by going to your phone settings and choosing the Phone option.Il y a 7 jours

Why does my phone hang up when I answer a call?

If you are facing a problem of call hanging up as soon as you accept a call then it means your browser is not allowing JustCall to use your computer’s microphone. If your dialer is unable to access your microphone, you won’t be able to receive/make any call.