How would you describe a castle?

How would you describe a castle?

Here are some adjectives for castle: magical bavarian, far biggest, vast and resplendent, tall miniature, ancient and portentous, suddenly horrible, fine, intriguing, worthless and quite impregnable, antiquated and romantic, stout, western, centuries-old unkempt, fabulous human, drafty danish, immense feudal, own white …

How do you describe a palace in writing?

Here are some adjectives for palace: annual crystal, gothic ducal, magically ornate, genuine vast, great needlelike, vast superb, splendid underground, sumptuous vast, french crystal, byzantine ducal, old directorial, finest archiepiscopal, colorful cubist, colonnaded gothic, crazy bourgeois, former ducal, gaudy …

What are the main features of a castle?


  • Moat – a perimeter ditch with or without water.
  • Barbican – a fortification to protect a gate.
  • Curtain Walls & Towers – the perimeter defensive wall.
  • Fortified Gatehouse – the main castle entrance.
  • Keep (aka Donjon or Great Tower) – the largest tower and best stronghold of the castle.

How would you describe a medieval castle?

A medieval castle was the fortified home of an important person, such as a lord or king. During this time, many castles were built in Europe and the Middle East. They ranged from simple wooden enclosures to vast stone palaces. A castle allowed a lord to control the surrounding land.

What makes something a castle?

And now the Oxford English Dictionary defines a castle as ‘a large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and often a moat’. Because those buildings above are called castles, but they look as architecturally prepared for battle as a fruit pastille.

What can be found in a castle?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses.

  • The Great Hall.
  • Bed Chambers.
  • Solars.
  • Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes.
  • Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries.
  • Gatehouses and Guardrooms.
  • Chapels & Oratories.
  • Cabinets and Boudoirs.

What’s another word for castle?

Castle Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for castle?

fortress citadel
chateau palace
peel donjon
alcazar bastion
hold redoubt

What is a keep in a castle?

Keep, English term corresponding to the French donjon for the strongest portion of the fortification of a castle, the place of last resort in case of siege or attack. Three main castle types: motte and bailey, stone keep, and concentric.

What is the safest part of a castle?

With its extra thick walls and protected entrance, the keep was generally the safest place in a castle during the siege warfare of the 11th and 12th century CE. Inside the largest building a person in the Middle Ages likely ever saw in their lives was the Great Hall, castle chapel, and residential quarters.

What is a curtain wall in a castle?

A curtain wall is a defensive wall between two towers (bastions) of a castle, fortress, or town.

Where is the keep on a castle?

Keeps are tall towers. They’re typically located on the opposite side of the bailey to the gatehouse, or in the centre of the castle. Early keeps, like the castles they stood in, were designed to intimidate the locals.

What is the most important part of a castle?

At the heart of a castle is its tower, known as the keep. The number of floors within the keep depended on its size and the wealth of its owner. All Keeps contained a large room known as the Great Hall. The enclosed area between the inside of the wall and the keep.

What was the biggest castle ever built?

Malbork Castle

What was the first castle ever built?

The first castles were built by the Normans The great age of castles began almost 1,000 years ago and lasted for nearly 500 years. The Normans introduced the first proper castles, starting with the wooden Motte and Bailey castles, to England following their victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

What is the oldest castle in America?

A Collection Of The Oldest Castles In The United States

  • Bacon’s Castle (1665) Located in Surry, VA, this is the oldest castle in the United States.
  • Castillo de San Marcos (1672-1695)
  • Bowman’s Castle (1789)
  • Eastern State Penitentiary (1829)
  • Lyndhurst (1838-1865.
  • Wadsworth Atheneum (1842)
  • Smithsonian Castle (1847-1855)
  • Wesleyan Hall (1855)

What is the newest castle in the world?

Castle Drogo

What’s the smallest castle in the world?

Although it is called a castle, and recognised by many official authorities as a castle, to most locals it is known simply as Molly’s Lodge, and comes with just one bedroom, a modest living room and dining room, compact kitchen and a little bathroom – and despite its moniker as a castle, served for a time as gatehouse …

Which is largest palace in the world?

Istana Nurul Iman

What country has the largest castle?


Which country is famous for castles?

Many castles still stand in France, Spain, and Great Britain today. Wales even has the highest number of castles per square mile. Still, no other country built as many castles as Germany.

What country has the best castles?

The Best Places in the World to See Castles

  • Germany: The Neuschwanstein Castle. Germany: The Neuschwanstein Castle.
  • Germany: Cochem Imperial Castle. Germany: Cochem Imperial Castle.
  • Germany: The Eltz Castle. Germany: The Eltz Castle.
  • Germany: The Hohenzollern Castle.
  • Germany: Lichtenstein Castle.
  • Germany: Schwerin Palace.
  • Wales: Conwy Castle.
  • Scotlans: Culzean Castle.

Are there any real castles in the United States?

Biltmore Estate, Asheville, North Carolina, 175,000-square-foot (16,300 m2) Châteauesque style mansion built 1889–95 for George Washington Vanderbilt II. It is the largest privately held home in the United States. It is a National Historic Landmark. Bishop Castle, Wet Mountains, Rye, Colorado, vicinity.

How would you describe a castle?

How would you describe a castle?

A castle is a type of fortified structure built during the Middle Ages predominantly by the nobility or royalty and by military orders. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble.

What did a castle look like inside?

Inside the castle walls there might have been a magnificent hall, comfortable chambers and a beautiful chapel. Most castles had a small private chapel near to the lords chambers. The walls were often painted and the windows made from stained glass. It was the castle’s most beautiful room.

What was it like in a castle?

What was it like living in a castle? Even when it wasn’t under attack, living in a castle was hectic, noisy and they were often packed full of people. Castles were large, dark, draughty and cold. Windows were often small, with wooden shutters or (if the nobleman could afford it), leadlight glass-panes.

What belongs in a castle?

Inside a Castle

  • The keep was the main residence of the ruling lord.
  • Residential apartments contained beds and furnishings.
  • The great hall could be located in the keep or in separate buildings.
  • Storage of food, beverages and gold was usually in the lower levels of the keep.

What can be found in a castle?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses.

  • The Great Hall.
  • Bed Chambers.
  • Solars.
  • Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes.
  • Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries.
  • Gatehouses and Guardrooms.
  • Chapels & Oratories.
  • Cabinets and Boudoirs.

What medieval castles looked like?

What did a typical Medieval Castle look like?

  • The Bailey. The bailey was a fortified enclosure containing the castle’s domestic buildings.
  • The Kitchens.
  • The Great Hall.
  • The Stables.
  • Other defensive features.
  • The curtain wall.
  • The Gatehouse.
  • Moats and Water Defenses.

What do you need to know about the inside of a castle?

Inside a Castle – Inside a castle is the main residence of the ruling lord, along a great hall, storage, kitchen, chapel, dungeon and stables. See inside a castle.

How are the wings of a castle divided?

Habitation by Function (wings): Areas of a castle or fortified mansion are often divided by activities, public and private. Bedrooms and servant quarters are private functions while grand halls and ballrooms are public functions.

What was the design of the Roman castrum?

The Roman castrum had a particular design — rectangular, enclosed by walls with towers and four gates, the interior space divided into four quadrants by two main streets.

What was the life like in a medieval castle?

Most castles had their own chapels and priests, either in-residence or visiting. Chapels could be simple rooms in the keep or elaborate separate buildings. Horses were essential in medieval life. Knights rode them into battle.