Users questions

How much money did Elon Musk make from PayPal?

How much money did Elon Musk make from PayPal?

In October 2002, Musk earned his first billion when PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock. Before the sale, Musk owned 11 percent of PayPal stock.

What are PayPal fees in China?

In a bank-to-bank transfer from the U.S. to China via PayPal, the standard fee of $29.30 ($29.00+$0.30) increases by 0.5%. What’s more, you’re going to be hit with a currency conversion fee of 2.5% if you send in USD. Using a debit or credit card? You’ll still pay a 3.9% transaction fee plus a flat fee of ¥1.91 CNY.

Why is my PayPal email in Chinese?

PayPal does actually email in other languages, depending on your settings within your account. Language changes can often mean your account has been compromised. You can change your password using the information here, and I would advise checking the account to ensure there aren’t any unauthorized charges.

How do I get my PayPal back to English?

How do I change the display language on my PayPal account?

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Edit beside “Language”.
  3. Select your preferred language.

Why is my PayPal in Chinese?

When you visit PayPal (and other sites sometimes) the system will read that cookie and change the language on your account without anyone actually logging in and changing things. Best solution would be to clear cache and cookies, close all of your browser windows, and reboot your computer.

Why is PayPal in another language?

By default, PayPal displays your account and all associated information in English. PayPal stores its language settings independently from your Web browser’s settings, enabling you to display the website in a language different from your normal Web browser’s language.

Why is my PayPal email in Spanish?

PayPal said that they send the email in Spanish because most people will assume that it is spam and not realize it’s a legitimate PayPal email. Once the money is available, they transfer it to their own account.