Users questions

How much are Bristlenose Plecos?

How much are Bristlenose Plecos?

$1-$1.50 if you’re having to ship (even so you may have to sell them with plants or in bulk to make shipping worth it). You’ll probably get around $1 each from a LFS.

How long does it take for a Bristlenose pleco to reach full size?

Approximately 2 years

Does PetSmart sell Plecos?

Purchase In-store. Plecostomus are often placed in large aquariums to help keep algae from overgrowing. To create a beautiful aquarium environment, be sure to add some middle and top swimmers as well. Ask a PetSmart associate to help you choose.

How big do Bristlenose Plecos get?

3 to 5 inches

Are Bristlenose Plecos aggressive?

Peaceful when young, but can become aggressive over mates, territory, and food. Bristlenose Plecos do not have scales. They have exoskeletons that do not protect them from many antibiotics, salt, and many other chemicals. These fish are accustomed to staying in the bottom of the tank.

Can a Bristlenose Pleco live in a 10 gallon?

Smaller Plecos (Otocinclus Catfish) can survive in a 10 gallon tank whereas larger species such as a Bristlenose needs a minimum of 25 gallons. As it grows, you’ll need at least a 150 gallon tank. The Hypostomus plecostomusis native to the tropical waters of South America, specifically the Amazon River basin.

How many Bristlenose Plecos Can I put in a 40 gallon tank?

Plecos get big in size and they are not schooling fish so one would be fine for a 20 gallon tank as long as you upsize to 40 gallons when it gets bigger. Even in a 40 gallon tank you would not want more than 2 plecos and then some schooling fish. Dwarf Bristlenose. Keep them smal and always have several, perhaps three.

How many babies do Bristlenose Plecos have?

They need to age close to a year before able to breed regularly, and a single pair can be very prolific, having 150 -200 eggs at a time. The male will choose an enclosed space to breed in (more on that in a moment), and when a female is ready, she will be lured into the cave.

Is it easy to breed Bristlenose Plecos?

Bristlenose plecos are easy to breed and only usually have to be provided with a cave to spawn in – the rest they do on their own. You should always try to have more females than males, unless you have a very large tank. The males are incredibly territorial and will quickly claim a cave for breeding purposes.

At what age do Bristlenose Plecos get their bristles?

about 6 months

How fast do albino Bristlenose Plecos grow?

Your bristlenose babies will remain under an inch for the rest of the month, only picking up in the 2 and 3 months, then grow up to 4 inches in six months. You can expect your bristlenose pleco to reach the full size of 6 inches within the second (2) year of them hatching.

Do Bristlenose Plecos eat snails?

Although many aquarists think that snails are only a nuisance in their fish tanks, I love keeping snails. I like them because they are great at cleaning up leftover food, fish waste and algae. My bristlenose pleco actually eat all those snails.

Can algae eaters live with snails?

Combined with Nerite snails, they are a good choice for keeping your entire aquarium clean. However, as with Nerite Snails, Cichlids, Loaches and other large fish will usually eat all snails, so you can either keep them separate, or avoid snails all together if you currently keep anything that can easily swallow them.

Will Plecos eat dead fish?

Pleco catfish aren’t aggressive fish but if there is a dead fish they may feed on it. They do appreciate a good source of protein. That’s very common to have fish disappear. Usually a fish dies and sinks to the bottom and then the pleco eats the entire fish.

Do Bristlenose Plecos eat shrimp?

L333 will eat shrimp.. They have cleaned out my 333 tank..

Can you put shrimp with Plecos?

Your pleco and shrimp should get along fine. Even carnivorous plecos are more scavengers than hunters. And it’s unlikely you have a carniverous pleco as they are both rare and expensive. Most plecos need a primarily plant-based diet, though they’ll gladly eat meat-based foods or dead fish in the tank.

Do Albino Plecos eat shrimp?

Will Albino Bristlenose Pleco eat dwarf shrimp? Although they are not hunters, they are still omnivores. Therefore, if baby shrimp are tiny and fit in their mouth, there is always a chance that they will try to snack on them. Lots of aquarists keep dwarf shrimp and Albino Bristlenose Pleco in the same tank.