How many Yoyo loaches should be kept together?

How many Yoyo loaches should be kept together?


How long do Yoyo loaches live?

5-8 Years

Will Yoyo loach eat guppies?

If your yoyo loaches are ever chasing away your guppies or bettas, then it’s probably them. If my bettas get aggressive, they eat their victim(which at the rate my platies/guppies breed, I’m ok with that).

Will Yoyo loach eat snails?

Yoyo Loach (Botia Almorhae) Since they grow bigger than Zebras, they can eat a slightly wider range of snails.

How many Assassin snails should I get?

How Many Assassin Snails Can be Kept per Gallon? You can keep 2 assassin snails for every five gallons.

Do Kuhli loaches eat baby snails?

Yes, Kuhli loaches eat snails. They eat the snails that are smaller than them.

Do butterfly loaches eat snails?

The loaches do not eat snails because their mouth patterns do not allow them to bolt their feeds or catch slimy pieces that fall to a tank’s bottom.

Do Zipper loaches eat snails?

But not all loaches eat snails. Kuhli loaches don’t. They do like to burrow though, so they wouldn’t be the best idea if you had a dirted tank.

Do loaches eat Assassin snails?

The yoyo loaches eat the pest snails, but only on occasion, and not regularly enough to help with controlling them.

Will Assassin snails kill each other?

Note: something to remember is that assassin snail would rather die than eat another assassin snail. They do not prey on each other and will starve to death before they will eat their own kind.

Why do Assassin snails bury themselves?

When they’re hunting for live snails, assassin snails will bury themselves into the substrate whenever possible and wait with just their proboscis (feeding tube) sticking out. When an unsuspecting victim gets close enough to assassinate, they emerge and start to feed.

Will an assassin snail eat a Nerite snail?

If the assassins don’t have any other prety available they will go after nerites. However, of you have pond or ramshorns they go after those first since the way nerites angle their bodies makes it hard for assassins to liquify them. Assassins can even take down apple snails.

Do Assassin snails kill all snails?

Greg F. The assassin snails will kill anything roughly their size for sure and may well kill even larger snails. The problem with assasins is that once they work through the pest – and other – snails in the tank you still can have a hundred assassins to deal with.

Will Assassin snails kill apple snails?

Yes the assasin snails will hunt and eventually kill your Apple snail. Often times the larger Apple snail is easier to catch. I keep Assassin Snails in all of my tanks, some of those tanks have Nerite Snails in. The Assassin Snails do not touch them at all.

How often do Assassin snails lay eggs?

Yep one egg per batch. They are born so small, and it takes months for them to hatch and exit from the substrate as barely visible little lethal weapons of snail destruction.

How long can Assassin snails live out of water?

I have proven at least 36 hours. I mean…. I knew snails could survive for a while out of water…by keeping that door shut tight and holding moisture in their shells and stuff.

Is my assassin snail dead?

Carefully examine the water snail shell, if the body of the snail is no longer inside the shell or if the snail hangs out of the shell and does not move, then the snail may have died. Obviously, a dead snail cannot stick to the aquarium wall or decorations, and will usually lie upside down.

Will Assassin snails eat bladder snails?

Loaches, betta fish, pufferfish, Assassin snails, and crayfish are predatory creatures that will eat bladder snails.

How do you get rid of Bladder snails?

Mix 3tbsp into 1 gallon of water and you have a snail killer. It’ll kill a lot of algae too. Adult snails will be killed almost instantly. I’d let it soak for about 3 hours to kill any eggs.