Users questions

How many valence electrons do boron have?

How many valence electrons do boron have?

12 valence

Is BeH2 electron deficient?

Beryllium Hydride: An example of linear electron pair and molecular geometry is BeH2. This molecule is electron deficient and does not follow the octet rule because it has only 4 valence electrons.

Is beh2 electron precise?

For example, BeH2, BH3 are electron deficient hydrides. (ii) Electron precise hydrides: Those compounds in which exact number of electrons are present in central atom or the central atom contains complete octet are called precise hydrides e.g., CH4, SiH4, GeH4 etc. are precise hydrides.

Does beh2 have banana bond?

Banana bond is present in (1) B2H6 (2) MgH2 (3) BeH2 (4) All of these. Of these, BeH2 and MgH2 exist as polymeric structures.

What characteristics do you expect from an electron deficient?

Electron-deficient hydribes have less number of electrons as required to form normal covalent bonds. To make up this deficiency, They exist in polymeric form, such as B2H6,B4H10 etc. Further to make up this deficiency, they react with many metals, non-metals and their compounds, hence they are highly reactive.

What are non stoichiometric hydrides?

Non-Stoichiometric hydrides are hydrogen-deficient compounds formed by the reaction of dihydrogen with d-block and f-block elements. These hydrides do not follow the law of constant composition. These hydrides are ionic in nature. Hydride ions have comparable sizes (208 pm) with alkali metal ions.

What characteristics do you expect from electron rich hydride with respect to its structure and chemical reaction?

Since electron deficient hydrides have lesser electrons to form normal covalent bonds, therefore we expect the following characteristics from these hydrides: (i) They generally exist in polymeric forms such as B2H6, B4H10. (AlH3)n etc. (ii) They react with many metals, non-metals and their compounds.

Do you expect the carbon hydrides of the type?

Answer : Carbon hydrides of the type Cn H2n+2 are electron precise hydrides. Because they have atom with exact number of electrons to form covalent bonds. Thus, they do not behave as Lewis acid or base.

What is the formula of carbon hydride?


Compound Chemical formula
carbon tetrahydride hydrogen carbide methane (carbane) CH4
silicon tetrahydride hydrogen silicide (silane) SiH4
germanium tetrahydride hydrogen germanide (germane) GeH4
tin tetrahydride hydrogen stannide (stannane) SnH4

What is the trend of boiling points of hydrides of N O and F?

Due to higher electronegativity of N, O and F; NH3,H2O and HF show hydrogen bonding and hence higher boiling points than the hydrides of their subsequent group members.

Which hydride of Group 16 has maximum boiling point?

Among hydrides of group 16 elements, with the increase in molecular weight, van der Waal forces increase so boiling point also increases. However H2O unexpectedly has highest boiling point due to presence of hydrogen bonding.

Why does H2O have highest boiling point?

Water molecules form a bulky molecule and it is very difficult to break its bonds. To break all its bonds, a large amount of the energy is required. Thus, H2O has a higher boiling point than HF.

Is H2O stronger than HF?

The H–F bond is more polar than H–O so is easier to break HF into H+ and F- than to break H2O into H+ and OH-. Hence HF is stronger acid than H2O.

Why water has high melting and boiling point?

Water has an unusually high boiling point for a liquid. Water is made up of oxygen and hydrogen and can form hydrogen bonds, which are particularly strong intermolecular forces. These strong intermolecular forces cause the water molecules to “stick” to one another and resist transition to the gaseous phase.

Why is HF a gas and H2O a liquid?

Its because of hydrogen bonding that occurs between the H and O of adjacent water molecules. Its a very strong bond that packs the water molecules closely together, forming a liquid.