Users questions

How many miles per gallon does a school bus get?

How many miles per gallon does a school bus get?

The average bus gets between 6 and 9 mpg, depending on many factors (size of bus, wind, speed, and of course how heavily loaded). That being said, it’s not usually gas mileage. The majority of buses have diesel engines. Some run on propane, and a few on gasoline, but mostly diesel.

Do school buses get good gas mileage?

On average, a clean-diesel school bus can travel about 510 miles on a tank of diesel vs. only 270 miles on gasoline, based on the same standard-sized fuel tanks. Newer engines, like the Detroit™ DD5™ and DD8™ diesel engines, show an additional three percent increase in fuel efficiency.

What is the MPG of a bus?

[8] Buses: At average passenger loads, buses achieve 3262 BTU per passenger-mile, or 38.3 pmpg. Per BTS data, buses average 6.1 diesel mpg, or 5.5 gas mpg. With a full load of roughly 60 passengers, a max pmpg of 330 is possible.

How long will a bus last?

12 years and 250,000

How many miles is 30 minute drive?

1 Expert Answer Since 30 minutes is 1/2 of an hour, you will drive 1/2 of 40 miles, or 20 miles.

How many miles does the average person drive to work?

16 miles

How many miles is 45 minute drive?

45 min is 0,75*60 min. During this time you’ll drive 0,75*60= 45 miles.

How long does it take to travel 20 miles at 40 mph?

At 40 miles per hour, you are traveling 58.8 feet per second. Answer Save. Example Question 2. 20 mph = 20 miles in one hour so half of that is the answer 10 miles in half an hour = 30 minutes How long will it take to drive 400 miles going 75 miles per hour?

How long is a 80 mile drive?

It will take you one hour to go 80 miles if you are going 80 mph.

How long will it take to go 100 miles at 80 mph?


Term At 5 mph, how long does it take to travel 20 miles? Definition 4 hours
Term At 100 mph, how long does it take to travel 150 miles? Definition 1 hour 30 minutes
Term At 80 mph, how long does it take to travel 60 miles? Definition 45 minutes
Term At 80 mph, how long does it take to travel 80 miles? Definition 1 hour