Users questions

How many bags of cellulose insulation do I need?

How many bags of cellulose insulation do I need?

Loose Fill Attics: R-30, 9.5” deep, (30lb. /bg) = 30 bags. Dense Pack Sidewalls: R-13, 2” x 4” wall, (30lb./bg) = 27 bags.

Is cellulose insulation better than fiberglass?

At 3.5 per inch of material, the R-value of blown-in cellulose is 23% better per inch than fiberglass batts! According to research done at the Oak Ridge National Lab, fiberglass loses up to 50% of its R-value in very cold conditions; making cellulose a better choice for homes in northern climates.

Is cellulose insulation safe?

Cellulose insulation is safe. It is made of paper, but the chemical treatment provides it with permanent fire resistance. There’s been static generated by the fiberglass industry warning that cellulose could burn. But independent testing confirms it’s safe and cellulose is approved by all building codes.

Which is better cellulose or spray foam insulation?

Cellulose For Attic Insulation. If the HVAC equipment and air ducts are in your attic, it is better to install Spray Foam Insulation, specifically with Open Cell Spray Foam to protect the equipment and ducts. However, if your attic doesn’t have any HVAC equipment or air ducts you should install Cellulose Installation.

Should I remove cellulose insulation?

Expert contractors that specialize in insulation advise that removing old fiberglass insulation is best before installing new cellulose insulation because of possible mildew, mold, or rodent excrement

Does cellulose need a vapor barrier?

A common misconception is that vapor barriers are required in all insulation installations. With Modern’s Cellulose insulation, a vapor barrier is not recommended except in very cold weather or high moisture areas such as spas or pool buildings. Cellulose insulation has a high density compared to fiberglass.

How long will Cellulose Insulation last?

20 to 30 years

Can I do spray foam insulation myself?

The answer is yes, but drywall needs to be removed before you can install the foam. Spray foam expands rapidly when it is applied to the inside of walls

What is a natural insulator?

There are three types of natural insulation: Animal-based insulators: sheep wool, feathers and more. Plant-based insulators: hemp, cotton, cellulose, wood fibre, cork and more. Mineral-based insulators: clay, pearlite and vermiculite.

What is the greenest insulation?

Why Cellulose Insulation is the “Greenest Of The Green” Instead of allowing all that paper to decompose and release harmful gases into the atmosphere it can be used in attics, walls and crawl spaces to insulate just about any structure.

Can I get a grant for insulation?

Eligible households can apply for a grant to install insulation grant using a Registered Insulation Installer. The ‘Big Six’ utility companies, including Npower, EDF and British Gas, are obliged to provide funding so that those who need to can improve the efficiency of their homes.