Users questions

How important is Keyword analysis?

Keywords form the life line for search engine optimization. It is inevitable that SEO personnel spend their quality time on keyword research. With multiple keyword planners available at their disposal SEO experts can now focus on making the right choices.

It is now in the air that e-commerce strategists need to deal with a greater pressure of short listing keywords when compared to websites of other businesses. So how is this strategy chalked out and planned in the first place? This blog is about a little deeper understanding of keyword research from their perspective.

Strategizing based on keyword types:

Firstly, marketers would need to size down their business space and types of keywords which best fit their target audience.  Proceeding after this basic outlining would contribute greatly towards developing an effective keyword strategy.

Long-tail keywords:

As the name suggests, please do not be carried away that long-tail keywords are simply words which are longer phrases. There is a lot more in keywords than considering it to be a mere conjunction of words. Long-tail keywords are promising and could almost definitely be constructive in converting queries to potential customers. They are phrases:

  • Which are not reflected in any particular keyword analysis tool
  • Is not displayed in the Google Analytics and Google search console
  • If used individually, they attract minimal traffic
  • They are capable of bringing in loads of traffic when used with respect to the website content
  • They are not searched by customers repeatedly and tend to be less popular amongst users
  • Focuses on addressing prominent queries of customers

Short-tail keywords:

They are mostly single worded keywords which hit the point. But at times they could be inappropriate as they are only a word long and cannot be elucidated. Such keywords are best suited for shorter descriptions of products on web pages.

Medium-tail keywords:

Medium-tail keywords are not promising but they do guarantee a segment of your web page traffic. Such medium-tail keywords are further worked on to build into long tail keywords and be incorporated in the web page content. So basically, the queries which construct a long-tail keyword are based on the research done for medium tail keywords.

Believe in research:

How important is Keyword analysis?

Self-research is the key to success in search engine optimization. Marketers would need to drill to the core of their business and nature of product for a comprehensive outlook on what is best for their customer base. An understanding of their target audience, their clear requirements and what they intend to bring out of optimizing their web page are priorities to be taken care of.

Keyword research would also include:

  • A detailed study of niche areas in their business space
  • Possible keywords which would hit the nail appropriately
  • Short listing such keywords using the keyword planner
  • Implementation of these keywords into your content to find how it works

How SEO Automation Tool could help you?

Elite Site Optimizer – A SEO Automation Tool encompasses the close monitoring of all the functions involved in the functioning of your web page. By incorporating SEO audit tool, you could be rest assured that your end-to-end web page requirements will be taken charge by a unified tool. It scrutinizes several aspects of your web page which includes the feature of keyword analysis. The tool checks for web page behavior towards various keywords which have been used in the content and provides an exhaustive report backed by the competency of BI, for keywords which have worked well and which needs change. This tool works well for mobile keyword analysis also. In this way marketers are constantly informed about hiccups in keyword behavior and if any timely modifications are required based on trends and patterns of the business.

Though framing an apt SEO strategy is not a cakewalk, ESO backs organizations to breeze through the much significant keyword analysis process and provides with critical business inputs at regular intervals which helps in transforming the entire concept of SEO for organizations.