How does Aunt Polly punish Tom Sawyer?

How does Aunt Polly punish Tom Sawyer?

Tom was punished by Aunt Polly because he came late at night, playing and fighting with his freinds and with a terrible condition of his clothes. So, Aunt Polly decided to punish tom by giving the work on Saturday which is a holiday in the western countries and the punishment to Tom was to whitewash the fence.

What happens in Chapter 13 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 13: The Pirate Crew Set Sail Petersburg. That night, the three boys take a raft and pole their way to the island, calling out meaningless nautical commands to one another as they go. At about two in the morning they arrive on the island, build a fire, and eat some bacon that Joe has stolen for them.

What happens in Chapter 27 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 27: Trembling on the Trail Tom visits the first tavern and learns that a lawyer occupies room number two. In the second tavern, room number two remains locked all the time. The tavern-keeper’s son claims that no one ever enters or leaves the room except at night.

What does Tom think was a dream Tom Sawyer?

When Tom fakes his death, he tells his aunt that he dreamed that he saw her mourning his death. When Tom and the “pirates” do not return after the storm, the town assumes they are dead.

What happened in Chapter 21 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 21: Eloquence—and the Master’s Gilded Dome Mr. Dobbins becomes even more harsh in his discipline, provoking the boys to conspire against him. Dobbins’s wig, revealing a bald head that the sign-painter’s boy gilded while Mr. Dobbins slept off a bout of drinking.

What was Tom Sawyer’s secret?

In desperation, Tom reveals his “secret,” a little plan that’s good enough to keep them from leaving. After dinner, Tom decides he wants to learn how to smoke from Huck. He and Joe puff on a pipe for the first time and boast about how much they love it, how they could smoke all the time, etc.

Why is Aunt Polly Cross?

Answer: In chapter 1, Aunt Polly tried to beat Tom for hiding in the jam and not replying her. Later, she beats Tom for dropping the sugar although Tom was innocent. During this incident, Polly justifies her ides of actions, by saying that she punishes Tom because she loves him.

What is Tom Sawyer’s pirate name?

“Tom Sawyer the Black Pirate. Name your names.” “Huck Finn the RedHanded and Joe Harper the Destroyer of the Seas.” Tom had taken these names from his bestloved books.

Who gets homesick in Tom Sawyer?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Full Text: Chapter 16 : Page 2. But Joe’s spirits had gone down almost beyond resurrection. He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it.

What did Huck teach Tom and Joe?

Huck taught Joe and Tom to smoke.

How does Tom convince Joe and Huck to stay?

When Joe insists on leaving, Tom taunts him about missing his mother, but Joe sets off, and Huck follows him. Abandoned, Tom decides to share his secret. The secret does indeed convince them to stay. After dinner, Tom suggests he and Joe learn to smoke from Huck, who proceeds to make pipes from some corncobs.

How were Aunt Polly and Joe’s mother talking about the boys?

Aunt Polly commiserates with Mrs. Harper (Joe’s mother), both agreeing that the boys were “mischievous el giddy el and harum-scarum” but they never meant any real harm. Both women regret that the last things the boys heard from them were reprimands.

What regret did Becky have?

Explanation: The great scene with the appearance of the boys alive at their own funeral is heightened by the many regrets of various characters: Becky is sorry she kept no memento of Tom and wishes she had retained the brass knob he had given her. The townspeople regret that they had not seen the potential of each boy.

Why was Becky Thatcher hurt and angry at Tom?

Tom was feeling unwanted and feeling like nobody cared about him. Also that he was very mad at Becky because when he was trying to show off in front of Becky, she said something that hurt Tom’s feelings. He thought he wasn’t important to anyone anymore. So he decided to run away with some of his friends.

How does Tom succeed in rousing Sid from his sleep?

For that he had to convince his brother sleeping soundly in his room. Tom started groaning and moaning. When Sid didn’t wake he increased the volume and frequency of his groans. Finally Sid awoke by the sound and went to fetch his Aunt and Tom was initially successful in his mission.

Why did Tom not like Monday mornings?

Tom Sawyer really does not like Mondays. Readers are told that he finds the day “miserable.” The reason for Tom’s attitude and general hatred of Mondays is because Monday means he is forced to start up another week of school. For Tom, a Monday signals that another week of “slow suffering” in school is beginning.