Users questions

How do you write nee maiden name?

How do you write nee maiden name?

Use the word nee when you refer to a person’s original, birth name. If your neighbor was Mary Jones until she got married to Larry White, you could introduce her to someone else as “Mary White, nee Jones.” If a woman marries and adopts her husband’s last name, her former name becomes a thing of the past.

What does nee stand for maiden name?

Names. Née (lit. ” born”), a woman’s family name at birth before the adoption of another surname usually after marriage. The male equivalent “né” is used to indicate what a man was originally known as before the adoption of a different name.

Do you put maiden name on headstone?

Include the person’s complete name; first, middle and last. If it is a married woman who has taken her husband’s name, consider including her complete name, with both the maiden and married name. This is not traditional, yet would be greatly appreciated by future generations.

Can you put any name on a headstone?

There are no hard and fast rules about putting a maiden name on a headstone. We find that the inclusion of a maiden name is requested in only a small number of our commissions. It is often included when the woman’s family was quite prestigious or well known.

How do you add a name to a tombstone?

To add a name to an existing headstone you should hire a professional engraver who will perform the engraving on-site. Choosing the design of the inscription will depend on a number of factors from the existing design, burial plot’s regulations and level of skill of the engraver and space available.

What should I write on my husbands headstone?

Headstone Epitaphs For Married Couples

  1. Forever in our hearts.
  2. Together in life and death.
  3. Always in our hearts.
  4. Everlasting love.
  5. Your love will light the way, your memory will be forever with us.

Which lasts longer marble or granite?

Durability. The biggest difference between granite and marble is the hardness of the stone. Granite is a much harder material and lasts considerably longer than marble. Marble is softer and will likely deteriorate over time by cracking, chipping, and eroding, especially in outdoor elements.

What stone lasts the longest?


What headstones last the longest?

A flat quartzite headstone, with laser engraving, is the longest-lasting headstone. It can last centuries if the weather is the only factor in degradation. Quartzite is a very hard material that can withstand almost all climates & the laser-etched engraving will last as long as the headstone does.

Why do you put rocks on gravestones?

So the placing of a rock on a tombstone could represent a belief that the deceased is with God. Keister further states, “In almost all cultures, rocks represent permanence, stability, reliability, and strength.” All in all, placing and finding rocks on a tombstone is a nice tradition.

How do you get a gravestone on a grave?

In most states, you do need permission to put a headstone on a grave in a public cemetery. You need a document called the “Grant Deed”. The Grant Deed must have your name on it for you to put up a headstone. For putting a headstone on private plots of land, it is up to the owner of the land/plot.

Who owns a grave?

Memorials. The person named on a Deed as owner of Exclusive Right of Burial in a grave also has the right to have a memorial erected on that grave. Responsibility for any memorial erected on a grave lies with the person named on the Deed pertaining to it.

Is it illegal to steal flowers from a grave?

Yes. At the very least it’s theft; various cities may have other laws pertaining to cemeteries and add charges like ‘desecrating a grave’. Of course, if you’re stealing from a dead person, you obviously have zero moral compass and things like ‘laws’ probably don’t mean much to you.