Users questions

How do you write an opening prayer?

How do you write an opening prayer?

As we gather today around your name, we pray that you would fill our hearts, our minds and our souls. Transform us Lord, and make us more like you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. O Lord, our God, we gather together today to give you thanks and praise your greatness.

What to say at the beginning of a prayer?

After opening the prayer we tell our Father in Heaven what we are thankful for. You can start by saying, “I thank thee…” or “I am grateful for….” We show our gratitude to our Father by telling him in our prayer what we are thankful for; such as our home, family, health, the earth and other blessings.

What is a good scripture for healing?

So we’ve rounded up some of our favorite verses that will lead you to feel more hopeful in your time of healing.

  • 1 James 5:14. Getty Images.
  • 2 Psalms 146:8. Getty Images.
  • 3 Exodus 23:25. Getty Images.
  • 4 Isaiah 41:10. Getty Images.
  • 5 3 John 1:2. Getty Images.
  • 6 Revelation 21:4. Getty Images.
  • 7 2 Kings 20:5.
  • 8 Jeremiah 17:14.

What is the spiritual gift of healing?

In Christian theology, the Gifts of healing are among the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12. As an extraordinary charism, gifts of healing are supernatural enablements given to a believer to minister various kinds of healing and restoration to individuals through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Where did Jesus heal the sick?


How did Jesus heal Jairus daughter?

Jesus continued to the house, where Jesus “saw a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly” (Mark 5:38). He informed all those present that the girl was not dead but asleep. He then went upstairs and restored the girl to life.

Which friend did Jesus bring back to life?


How is Jesus our friend?

Jesus gave everything to his friends—his knowledge of God and his own life. Jesus is our model for friendship— because he loved without limits—and he makes it possi- ble for us to live a life of friendship—because we have been transformed by everything he shared with us. You are my friends if you do what I command you.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus meaning?

“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” is a Christian hymn originally written by preacher Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother, who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.