Users questions

How do you use perhaps?

How do you use perhaps?

Perhaps can be used when you are making a suggestion/polite request or giving advice. She doesn’t look well – perhaps she should see a doctor….Perhaps is used to suggest that he was not certain about something.

  1. He was perhaps drunk.
  2. She is perhaps not interested in the offer.
  3. She is perhaps the oldest among them.

What is the difference between perhaps and maybe?

What’s the difference between maybe and perhaps? Actually, the answer here is very simple: there’s no difference in meaning! Both adverbs maybe and perhaps mean the same; they convey uncertainty, a possibility. You can use either when you are not sure, when you want to say “possibly”.

What’s another word for perhaps?

Perhaps Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for perhaps?

maybe conceivably
perchance possibly
feasibly mayhap
potentially happen
mayhaps ostensibly

How can I use perhaps in a sentence?

Perhaps sentence example

  1. Perhaps it was a foolish thing to do.
  2. Perhaps we could help you to work it out.
  3. But perhaps they may do it!
  4. Perhaps I’ll move further east and see if the plucking is better when the weather is cooler.
  5. Perhaps he will do well with you.
  6. Perhaps it’s enough to put me to sleep.

Is there a comma after of course?

When you use the phrase ‘of course’ you have to use a comma. It doesn’t matter whether it is in the middle or at the beginning of a sentence.

Is there a comma after possibly?

Without possibly, no comma is required: We have the option to provide notifications via telephone and email. Possibly, when present, forms a weak interruption in the sentence, which can be acknowledged thus: We have the option to provide notifications via telephone and, possibly, email.

What type of adverb is perhaps?

Maybe and perhaps are adverbs that mean the same thing. We use them when we think something is possible, but we are not certain.

Is perhaps a modal adverb?

The development of the modal adverb perhaps is a case in point….3.1. Early and Late Modern English.

Adverb 1501–1600 1601–1700
perhaps 23 (26.7%) 106 (33.7%)

What is example of modals?

Modal verbs

Modal Meaning Example
can to request permission Can I open the window?
may to express possibility I may be home late.
may to request permission May I sit down, please?
must to express obligation I must go now.

What are examples of modal adverbs?

Modal adverbs are used to modify specific verbs that consist of a linking verb (verb of being) and sometimes another verb. Examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would. Adverbs that modify these verbs say something about possibility, obligation, and emphasis.

What is Modal very likely?

This example includes the modal verb “will.” “Will” is followed by the base verb “go.” In this example, “will” is used to demonstrate that it is very likely or certain that the speaker will go to soccer practice after school.

What are the 9 Modals?

There are nine modal verbs in English: can, could, may, might, will (shall), would, should, must and ought. They are auxiliary verbs, used before the infinitive form of main verbs (without ‘to’ except after ‘ought’).