Users questions

How do you use immensely in a sentence?

How do you use immensely in a sentence?

  1. He was immensely attractive to women, onscreen and offscreen.
  2. She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news.
  3. Champagne wines became immensely popular in the 18th century.
  4. I enjoyed myself at the party immensely.
  5. I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.

What’s another word for immensely?

What is another word for immensely?

extremely highly
truly uncommonly
unusually vastly
awfully decidedly
especially excessively

What does immense mean in reading?

1 : marked by greatness especially in size or degree especially : transcending ordinary means of measurement the immense universe. 2 : supremely good.

What is the opposite of benevolent?

There is also one more familiar velle descendant: malevolent is the antonym of benevolent, and describes one who is disposed to doing ill instead of good.

What is the opposite of a wish?

Antonyms: resent, begrudge. Synonyms: want, compliments, regard, wishing, indirect request. wish(verb)

What is another way to say best wishes?

What is another word for best wishes?

sincerely regards
kindest regards kind regards
respectfully yours faithfully
best regards sincerely yours
yours sincerely yours truly

How do you express good wishes?


  1. Be confident and knock them dead. All the best.
  2. Good luck for your exams. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
  3. I wish you all the best for your exam. You’re going to make it.
  4. I wish you good luck for your exam. Give it your best.
  5. Don’t let the stress get under your skin. Ace your exams. Good luck!