How do you trigger I Forgot to Remember to Forget?
How do you trigger I Forgot to Remember to Forget?
In order to access the necessary dialogue options, the player character must have spoken to Manny Vargas in Novac or Bitter-Root in Camp McCarran about his tour of duty in the NCR and Bitter Springs. In order to trigger the quest, one must accumulate at least 5 “history” points with Boone.
How do you get Boone to open?
Boone. Trigger: Boone probably has the toughest Companion Quest to trigger. In order to get him to open up to you about what happened at Bitter Springs and begin this quest, you need to gain 5 ‘trust points’ with Boone. The easiest way to gain these points is killing Legion with Boone as a companion.
How do you trigger I could make you care?
Alternatively, walking around the first floor and walking near the location of Dr Hildern can also cause a trigger. Nellis Air Force Base, the Nellis Boomer museum – The player character just needs to listen to Pete’s lecture in front of the mural. The trigger is the last line of his speech.
What order should you do the Fallout New Vegas DLC?
I would recommend saving them all until the end or near the end of the main story, and then playing them in order of release. Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road, in that order.
What level should I be for dead money?
The game recommends about 20+, and for good reason. You have all your equipment confiscated at the start of the DLC, so you have to rely on your characters basic stats and perks.
Can you sell snow globes after killing Mr House?
Snow globes are marked as quest items and cannot be removed from the Courier’s inventory (unless sold to Jane). If Mr. House dies, Jane will disappear, and it will no longer be possible to remove the snow globes from the inventory. However, PC users can use the console command player.
Where does dead money take place?
Sierra Madre
Can you go back to Sierra Madre?
You can go back to Sierra Madre. You can only go back using console command. Use ‘tcl’ in console command, that can make you walk through door. The only way to go back to Mojave Wasteland without reloading previous save data is to use the console command once again.