Users questions

How do you tame items in Ragnarok Mobile?

How do you tame items in Ragnarok Mobile?

All Taming Items are obtainable from Endless Tower rewards and from the Exchange. All Taming Items except Contract In Shadow, Silver Knife of Chastity and Book of the Devil are also sold in the Pet Material Shop in South Prontera.

How do you tame in Ragnarok?

Taming items can be obtained from monsters or special quests. To tame, simply double-click on the taming item to activate it, and then click on the monster you want. Famous pets in the game are listed below. It’s important that the taming item you have is for the right monster, or it will fail.

How do you tame a pet in Ragnarok classic?

To use a taming item, double click on it in the item window. When you see the monster you want to tame on the screen, hover the circle over the monster, and click. A slot machine will appear and you must click again to get a chance at taming the monster. If you fail, you lose the taming item and get no pet.

How many items do you need to tame a succubus?

Pets with Taming Items obtained from Endless Tower MVPs

Pet Taming Item How many to feed for 100% catch rate
Succubus Soft Apron 5
Incubus Girl’s Naivety 5
Martin Monster’s Goggles 5
Dullahan Armor Piece of Dullahan 6

How many tame items do you need for dullahan?

Capture pet 100% Success Rate

Monster Taming Item Req: 100% rate
Incubus Love Letter 5
Marmot Monster Shield 5
Dullahan Piece of Armor 6
Marina Unicellular 3

How do you capture Isis Pet Ragnarok Mobile?

Catch it!

  1. Buy taming items. First, you need to get taming items for the pet you want to catch.
  2. Disable Auto-Attack. Turn off (uncheck) Auto Attack skill in the Adventure Skills tab to prevent killing the pet you want to catch.
  3. Add the taming item to your item hotkey.
  4. Feed the pet with the taming items.
  5. Name your pet!

How do you summon pet Ragnarok eternal love?

To unlock and start using Pet Adventure, you need to finish some quests first. At Lv. 30, go to Magnus the Pet NPC in South Prontera (near music player) to start the quest. They will teleport you to the Pet Training Grounds and teach you to catch a Poring.

How do you make your pet loyal Ragnarok?

To get bonus to pet loyalty, YOU MUST FEED the pet at NEUTRAL. If you feed at HUNGRY OR VERY HUNGRY, it will not get any loyalty points (No loyalty point at hungry and lose loyalty points when feeding at very hungry).

Where is Pet labor Ragnarok Mobile?

We need to obtain an item called the Labor Traveling Machine to unlock the Pet Labor function. At Lv. 30, go to Magnus the Pet NPC in South Prontera (near music player) to start the quest. They will teleport you to the Pet Training Grounds to catch your first ever pet, a Poring.

How can I increase my pet Labor slot?

Pet Labor Slots Players start with 2 slots and can increase their slots to a maximum of 5. However you can increase your slots by +1 by the following: Monthly Premium. Purchasing Accomplished Worker Skill (Req: Adventure Rank D)

How do you get fighter coins in Ragnarok Mobile?

Essentially just landing hits will earn you fighter coins. Therefore, when those players that you hit eventually gets knocked down (everyone goes down) you will be rewarded with fighter coins.

How do I unlock Cuisine Association Ragnarok Mobile?

Here are the steps on how to start cooking:

  1. Go to Cuisine Association in Prontera.
  2. Talk to Pizza to start the quest.
  3. Obtain 3 Lunatic Meat and 3 Rocket Leg Meat.
  4. Talk to Pizza again to finish the quest.
  5. Use your Cookbook to start cooking!

Where is Chef’s Eagle Eye in Ragnarok Mobile?

You can purchase Chef’s Eagle Eyes from the Material Shop for 2,500 zeny. If you’re not interested in farming monsters to complete this quest you can simply buy them from the Primary Ingredients NPC located in the same room as Pizza for a little over 100 zeny a piece.

How do you cook rookie meat kebab Ragnarok Mobile?

Open up the BBQ Cook Station. Keep tapping the lunatic meat until you select all 100 of them. The green dialog box at the lower right should read “Rookie Meat Kebab, 100% Success Rate.” Click the Start Button to Cook 100 Rookie Meat Kebab in less time.

How do you make rookie black tea Ragnarok?

In the Cookware basket icon button, you need to select the 3rd icon (Steaming). Then choose the apple as ingredients and press the Start to begin the cooking. You should get a Rookie Black Tea from the cook with Nutrition Value of +60 HP, +6 SP, +8 M. Atk and Reserve Effect of 1500 HP Reserve and 150 SP Discharge.

How do I farm cooking ingredients in Ragnarok Mobile?

There are three ways to obtain cooking ingredients:

  1. Use Chef’s Eagle Eye and kill certain monsters. You can consume an item called Chef’s Eagle Eye which you can purchase from the Material Shop.
  2. Buying from the Cooking Ingredients NPC.
  3. Completing the Daily Cooking Quest.

How do I unlock pet house in Ragnarok Mobile?

To unlock the housing system, you’ll need to complete a quest. You’ll need to be at least base Level 70. Talk to Pink Flower NPC in Prontera (after you “Investigate” the area) to start the New Home’s Hope quest. The Ferrut NPC will appear, talk to her again to begin.

How do you feed homunculus Ragnarok?

Feeding and Intimacy Much like pets, Homunculi require feeding. Every 60 seconds the Homunculus loses 1 Hunger Point. Feed the Homunculus when its hunger is between 11~25 to get 1 full point of intimacy. Feeding at the other times will give less than a full point and may even reduce the intimacy.

How can I increase my homunculus intimacy fast?

“Feed the Homunculus when its hunger is between 11~24 to get 1 full point of Intimacy. Feeding at the other times will give less than a full point and may even reduce the Intimacy. If one forgets to feed the Homunculus, its Intimacy will eventually decrease, and it will leave the master if it goes below zero Intimacy.”

How do you make homunculus aggressive?

You change it by typing /hoai , followed by @refresh ; Make sure your Homunculus is not in passive mode. You can alternate between ‘Passive’ and ‘Aggressive’ mode with the shortcut Alt+T.

How do I install AZZY AI?

How do I install AzzyAI?

  1. Extract the contents of the download.
  2. Copy all of the files (and the data folder, for 1.50 and later) to USER_AI The USER_AI folder is located inside the AI folder in the Ragnarok Online folder.
  3. Log into RO and test the AI.
  4. Customize the AI settings (if needed).

How do I activate homunculus AI?

Activating it!

  1. Open your TalonRO.exe, and get your alchemist/creator logged in.
  2. Type /hoai, you’ll see words saying “AI has been customized”.
  3. “Relog” your Homunculus. It can be done via 4 ways :

How do you make a homunculus S?

How to get Homunculus S?

  1. Owner must be a Geneticist.
  2. Homunculus must be evolved into their mature form.
  3. Homunculus must be at least Level 99.

How do you evolve homunculus?

Evolution. When the Homunculus’ Intimacy is Loyal, use a Stone of Sage (simply double click it) to evolve it. There is no level condition in order to evolve it. With evolution, the Homunculus will obtain a random bonus for each of its stats, increased Max HP and Max SP and a new form.

How many homunculus can you have?

Restrictions. Currently, only one Homunculus of each type may be summoned at once by any player. This means a player cannot possess two attack type or two support type Homunculus at once. As only the attack and support type exist, that means only two Homunculus may be possessed.