How do you strikethrough YouTube comments?

How do you strikethrough YouTube comments?

Your sentences will appear like this once you insert these special symbols: To bold a word, put asterisks around it. For italics, use underscores. For strikethroughs, put hyphens (or dashes) around the text.

Can I edit my comments on Instagram?

You can’t edit a comment on Instagram, but you can easily delete and repost a comment — here’s how. While you can’t edit a comment on Instagram, you can easily delete it and post a new one.

How do I edit a comment on TikTok?

Once a TikTok comment has been posted, you cannot edit it. However, deleting a comment is simple.

Why do comments disappear on TikTok?

As you scroll through TikTok, watching videos, commenting and interacting with the app, the app stores temporary cache data. However, as these cache files grow over time, it can slow down the TikTok app and affect features like comments.

Do you get notified if someone deleted your comment on TikTok?

2 Answers. No, you don’t. You don’t get notified when someone deletes your answer either, and comments are no different.

Do Youtubers get notified when you delete a comment?

Simple answer, yes, we do get notified, in fact, you deleting it doesn’t stop us seeing it. Longer answer, you don’t even need to necessarily comment on our video, if you so much as reply to a comment someone is following, they’ll get the notification and if they get an email, you’ll forever have that comment recorded.

Can you delete someone’s comment on YouTube?

1) Next to any comment on YouTube there is 3 little dots. Click those little dots. 2) Click ‘Remove’ and this will DELETE the YouTube comment.

What happens when you report someone’s comment on YouTube?

We rely on YouTube community members to report content that they find inappropriate. Reporting content is anonymous, so other users can’t tell who made the report. When something is reported, it’s not automatically taken down. Content that violates our Community Guidelines is removed from YouTube.

Can I comment anonymously on YouTube?

Writing about the creators and data behind digital entertainment.

Can someone know my YouTube history?

When logged into your Google account, the videos you view on YouTube will be logged into your YouTube viewing history. This information is not publicly viewable and can only be seen by someone logged directly into your Google account.

Can the government see your YouTube history?

According to researchers, gaps in YouTube’s encryption enable both government intelligence agencies, hackers and internet marketers to determine videos you watched. Intelligence agencies could access this technology for tracking terrorists or other suspicious individuals.

Can police look at Internet history?

If you thought that your web browsing history is private to you and you only, you would be mistaken. This is because during a recent vote, the US Senate has agreed to give law enforcement agencies access to web browsing history data without needing to obtain a warrant first.

Can the government see my internet history?

Right now, the government can collect web browsing and internet search history without a warrant under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. Under Section 215, the government can collect just about anything so long as it is relevant to an investigation. This can include the private records of innocent, law-abiding Americans.

Can your ISP see what you watch on YouTube?

Generally speaking, whenever you’re not employing an end-to-end encryption like SSL/TLS (i.e. HTTPS) or VPN, your ISP can see what you’re watching and sometimes even modify or change it. YouTube uses HTTPS and so is secure. However, for anything not secure, your ISP can see anything you do.