Users questions

How do you remove scratches from a whiteboard?

How do you remove scratches from a whiteboard?

How to Repair Scratches in Dry Erase Paint

  1. Step 1: Smooth out the Scratch in the Dry Erase Surface. Use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the scratch, and use a light touch to avoid enlarging your problem area.
  2. Step 2: Clean the Dry Erase Surface.
  3. Step 3: Reapply Dry Erase Paint.
  4. Step 4: Set the New Area to Cure.

How do you repair a hole in a dry erase board?

3 Answers. Sand the area around the dent, until the white part is gone, usually down to the metal, then use bondo or other automotive body filler and fill in the dent. Feather the bondo out and sand it smooth. Then paint your whiteboard paint over that.

How do you clean a stubborn whiteboard?

To get rid of ghosting, wipe the board with a cloth dipped in a mix of isopropyl alcohol and water — the most effective whiteboard cleaner.

Why does my whiteboard not erase?

Clean Your Whiteboards Erasers When whiteboard erasers become overloaded with ink, they can no longer erase efficiently.

Can you use Windex to clean a dry erase board?

Use water or common household glass cleaners. Can you use Windex® to clean a dry erase board? Yes, products such as Windex® are recommended for cleaning a whiteboard. Never use scouring pads or abrasive cleaners, as those can ruin the dry erase surface.

What is best for cleaning whiteboards?

Clean and wipe the board.

  • Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
  • Hand sanitizer.
  • Acetone or nail polish remover that contains acetone.
  • Water mixed with several drops of dish soap.
  • Orange cleaners (such as Goo Gone and Fantastik)
  • Glass cleaner.
  • Baby wipes.
  • Pam or other spray cooking oils.

Does WD 40 clean whiteboards?

WD-40 (paid link) is the best treatment for clean whiteboards. It held up under multiple erasings and still looked great after over a week. It’s also super easy to apply — spray on, wipe off with a paper towel.

What chemical is in whiteboard cleaner?

Water (CAS# 7732-18-5), Denatured alcohol (CAS# 64-17-5), Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAS# 0), Potassium sorbate (CAS# 579-00-1), Citric acid (CAS# 77-92-9). Click to see full answer.

What dissolves dry erase marker?


  • Put a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball.
  • Lightly wipe the rubbing alcohol over the dry erase marker lines on the wall. The dry erase marker will magically disappear.
  • Wipe the wall with a clean wet rag or wash cloth to remove any residue from the rubbing alcohol.

Is Dry Erase marker permanent?

A dry-erase marker is a permanent marker on any porous surface, like paper. Slick surfaces such as glass and whiteboards cause the marker to be easily “erased”. The difference lies in which polymer is used in the ink. Most permanent markers use acrylic polymers while dry-erase markers use an oily silicone polymer.

Will acetone remove dry erase marker?

Dry Erase Marker Magic Trick! Fortunately for you, that permanent marker is not as permanent as you think. At least on a whiteboard, that marker can be taken off with acetone, rubbing alcohol, or simply by tracing over it with an actual dry erase marker and erasing both at once.

Why does acetone remove Sharpie?

With a solvent like alcohol or acetone, though, permanent marker comes off a smooth surface pretty easily. That’s precisely what a dry erase marker contains: a solvent. The solvent dissolves the permanent marker underneath and allows each part–dry erase pigment, permanent marker ink, and the solvent–to be wiped away.

What are the best dry erase markers?

Best Sellers in Dry Erase & Wet Erase Markers

  • #1.
  • EXPO 1884309 Low-Odor Dry Erase Markers, Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, 8-Count.
  • Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Assorted, 16-Count.
  • Amazon Basics Dry Erase White Board Markers – Low Odor, Chisel Tip – 12 Pack, Assorted Colors.

Can you revive dry erase markers?

You can revive your Universal Dry erase markers by disassembling the body and flipping the tip. Use a pair of tweezers or needle nosed pliers to pull the the tip out from the head of the marker. Reinsert the felt tip into the head, then reassemble the rest of the marker.