Users questions

How do you make a CD label on a Mac?

How do you make a CD label on a Mac?

How to Create CD Labels on a Mac

  1. Open Microsoft Word. Go to “Tools” and the main navigational menu.
  2. In the pop-up window, go to the “Label” section and click “Options.”
  3. In the drop-down menu for “Label products”, select “Avery Standard.” Scroll down the “Product Number” section.
  4. Your document should now show the grid lines for two CD labels.

How do I make a CD cover in Word?

Open Word and choose “New” from the “File” menu. Select the “Template” option and click on “Labels.” In the “Media” category, browse the CD cover templates available. Select the one that best suits the kind of cover you want to make. Don’t worry about the design on the cover.

Is it safe to write on a CD with a Sharpie?

Yes, you can write directly on the disc. And yes, you can ruin the disc and maybe the drive when you do that – here’s how to make it work. Use a Sharpie. Other markers may also work fine, but some may not.

Does writing on a CD damage it?

Yes, you can use an off-the-shelf permanent marker, but be careful where you write. The damage won’t happen today, or even next month, but at some point the ink will leach into the reflective layer of the disc and it’ll be the end of your data. …

What kind of paint can you use on CDs?

acrylic paints

Can you paint the top of a CD?

The surface of a CD is almost perfectly smooth, and paint won’t stick to a smooth surface. You could sand the CD, and ruin it, or you could keep reading. Expect to have to give your CD a second or even third coat. It dries the paint as you work, so you can start on a second coat directly after finishing the first.

How do I separate CDs?


  1. Heat the disc. Heat the cd or dvd with a hairdryer set to high heat.
  2. Separate the layers of the disc. Insert a butterknife in between the two layers of the CD, and gently wiggle it to pry the layers apart.
  3. Cut into small pieces.

Is Melting CDs toxic?

The heated metal and plastic is hot and can burn you. Melted plastic produces toxins. Similarly, vaporized aluminum isn’t good for you. Some CDs are coated with gold instead of aluminum, but you still shouldn’t inhale it.

Can CDs melt in the car?

If stored in in a hot car, CDs can warp and jewel cases can melt together.

Why won’t my CD player read CDs?

Unplug the power cord of the CD player from the AC outlet for 30 seconds. Turn on the CD player and attempt to play the disc. If the issue is still not resolved, remove the disc and unplug the power cord from the AC outlet. Let the CD player remain without power for 1 hour in case of condensation.