Users questions

How do you get to thorim?

How do you get to thorim?

Thorim casts Sheath of Lightning on himself, making him almost invulnerable. After the mobs are down, the lever next to the gate on the left becomes active. The raid should now split in two, one part goes down the hallway to reach Thorim, and the other part stays in the arena to fight waves of adds.

How do you change from normal to heroic mode?

To set the dungeon to Heroic, right click on your portrait, go to dungeon section and select the heroic option.

How do you set a mythic difficulty?

Once you click “premade groups” initially click on “start a group” at the bottom and put in the details. Anyone can host a base mythic (mythic 0) key and just walk in to start the dungeon after the group leader sets “mythic difficulty” in dungeons on his character portrait.

Does ulduar have heroic mode?

Another confusion is Yugg-Saron. While Ulduar doesn’t show heroic mode available on its page, the questline for Val’anir says the hammer must be thrown on heroic difficulty.

How do you activate hard mode on Flame Leviathan?

Flame Leviathan: Speak to the Lore Keeper of Norgannon first and select his gossip option, then speak to Brann. Leave one to four large colored towers up to have Flame Leviathan’s HP, damage, and abilities scale. Four towers up is the hardest mode.

Is Ulduar hard?

Ulduar had 3 bosses that my guild initially had quite a bit of difficulty with, ICC had 2. Also, Ulduar didn’t have any area wide buffs, and you could accidently trigger hard modes if you weren’t careful. Overall it was a more challenging, and much better raid than ICC.

How do you unlock algalon?

Algalon can only be accessed if at least one member of a raid has obtained the [Celestial Planetarium Key] or [Heroic Celestial Planetarium Key]. Players used to have a one-hour window to defeat him per lockout period, starting upon first initiation of the encounter.

How do you kill YOGG-Saron solo?

Send in pet, but recall it BEFORE you use the portal to exit. Otherwise it’ll stay down there, and you’ll have to dismiss it. Soon as you exit the brain room, check for tentacles. If you think it’ll take you longer than ten seconds to kill Yogg-Saron, then clear any tentacles that are still up.

What is hard mode in wow?

Hard mode, not to be confused with heroic mode, refers to the increase in difficulty of a raid boss encounter resulting in increased rewards and/or achievements. This is accomplished by doing or not doing certain things that increase the difficulty of the boss fight.

What does YOGG-Saron say at death?

The shadow of my corpse

How do you spawn YOGG-Saron?


  1. During Stage One defeat the Guardians of Yogg-Saron nearby Sara in order to damage her.
  2. Enter the Descent into Madness and defeat the illusions to gain access to the Brain of Yogg-Saron.
  3. Avoid losing all of your Sanity.
  4. Stand close to your allies when connected by Brain Link.

How do I start YOGG-Saron fight?

Entering Yogg-Saron’s room immediately starts the encounter. The fight has three phases, engaging Sara and her guardians first, then defeating the Brain of Yogg-Saron and finally his body. 15 minutes after the first raid member enters Sara’s room, Yogg-Saron casts Extinguish All Life, which one-shots the raid.

How many bosses are in Ulduar?

14 bosses

Do I have to kill all bosses in Ulduar?

Post by CalaelenDT. There are no bosses that you have to kill in order to have the mount drop. Ignis, Razorscale, Assembly of Iron and Algalon are all optional and do not need to be killed.

Which Ulduar bosses are optional?

Optional bosses are Ignis, Razorscale, and Iron Council. Auriaya technically could also count as one, but you’d have to be really good at getting around her patting around the watchers’ corridor.

Can you skip Flame Leviathan?

Ulduar Teleporter can be used to transport directly to the Ulduar Tram from the Expedition Base Camp, skipping Flame Leviathan, XT-002 Deconstructor and Kologarn.

Can you skip to YOGG Saron?

You can use the telepad in ulduar to immediatly skip the first half of the raid by teleporting to Mimiron’s tram. Not till he gives me some head. On behalf of all the people who didn’t know this was possible, thank you for mentioning it.

Can you skip bosses in Ulduar?

TIL that you can skip all bosses before kologarn, simply just by using the Ulduar Teleporter at the start and simply just start at Mimiron it can save you some time if you are farming for the mount!

Can you skip first boss in Ulduar?

TIL you can skip the first section of Ulduar for farming.