Users questions

How do you get to Hemenster?

How do you get to Hemenster?

Getting There

  1. Combat bracelet teleport to the Ranging Guild, go west.
  2. Skills necklace teleport to the Fishing Guild, run northeast.
  3. Seers’ Village lodestone, run southwest.

What do you do with oysters Osrs?

Oyster pearls are a reward from the Sea Slug quest, and can also be dropped by some monsters. Players with 41 Fletching can use a chisel on this item to gain 24 pearl bolt tips, which can be attached to iron bolts or dragon bolts to make pearl bolts or pearl dragon bolts.

How do you make charcoal in Osrs?


  1. Sold in Obli’s General Store in Shilo Village, Jiminua’s Jungle Store northwest of Tai Bwo Wannai, as well as by Gunslik in Keldagrim.
  2. Chopping Dead trees east of Lava Dragon Isle in the Wilderness.
  3. Chopping Dead trees on Fossil island volcano.
  4. Chopping Dead trees around the Fishing Hamlet.
  5. In the death altar.

Where can I buy a pestle and mortar Osrs?

The pestle and mortar is an item that is used to crush items into fine powder for Herblore and in many quests. It can be bought from Herbalists.

Where can I buy Snape grass?

Picking snape grass at Waterbirth Island and banking with Peer is a suggested method. Snape grass can also be found on the Hobgoblin Peninsula west of the Crafting Guild. This location may be quickly accessed by teleporting to a player-owned house in Rimmington, or by using a crafting cape to teleport inside the guild.

How do you make a vial Osrs?

A vial can be made by using a glassblowing pipe on molten glass at level 33 Crafting. Alternatively, empty vials can be purchased for 2 coins each at the Herblore Store in Taverley, Shilo Village and on Entrana.

How do you stop a smashing vial Osrs?

Players who have completed Alfred Grimhand’s Barcrawl will gain the ability to automatically smash vials upon drinking the last dose of a potion. This ability can be toggled on or off by speaking to him.

Where can I get a unicorn horn?

Unicorn horns can be gathered from unicorns in the following areas;

  • The Fremennik Province east of Rellekka, north of Swaying tree at the rare tree icon.
  • You can receive a Unicorn horn from Barbarian Assault by using the Gamble option when selecting rewards.

How do you grind a unicorn horn in Runescape?

To grind the horns, use them together with a pestle and mortar. It will slowly grind the unicorn horns one by one, so the speed can be significantly increased by grinding each horn manually.

What can you make with unicorn horns?

The unicorn horn is a crafting material that can only be obtained in hardmode. It can be used to craft holy arrows and rainbow rods.

How do you make Ultracompost Osrs?

To make ultracompost, players must use two volcanic ash on a bucket of supercompost. To make it in a compost bin, players must add 25 volcanic ash to a compost bin (50 on a Big Compost Bin) containing supercompost, and then collect it using buckets.

How do you fill a bottomless compost bucket?

It can be filled with compost, supercompost, or ultracompost. It can be stored at any Tool Leprechaun. The bottomless bucket can be filled with up to 10,000 uses of one type of compost. It can be filled from a compost bin or from other buckets of compost (noted ones work as well).

How do you make a compost potion?

Compost potions are made by mixing harralander and volcanic ash in a vial of water, giving 60 Herblore experience. Doing so requires level 21 Herblore.

How do I start farming Osrs?

A good way to jumpstart your farming is to do the quest Fairy Tale I – Growing Pains. The experience reward will raise level 1 Farming to level 17. By completing this quest, players will also receive a pair of magic secateurs which, when worn, will increase the yield of crops by 10% while harvesting.