Users questions

How do you get the last badge in Pokemon Emerald?

How do you get the last badge in Pokemon Emerald?

Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough Road to the Final Badge – Sootopolis City. Head south through Route 124. You will pass a red headed swimmer. Keep on going South.

Is Strength An Hm?

Through Generation VI, HM04 is Strength. From Generation VII onward, HMs are not used and HM04 does not exist.

How do you get the heat badge in Pokemon Emerald?

After you finish in Mauville City’s Gym, heal your Pokémon and head west, young trainer! You’ll find yourself on Route 117.

Where do you go after beating Flannery in Pokemon Emerald?

After beating Flannery you can now head back to Petalburg to challenge your Dad. Your Dad has Normal types so prepare a fighting Pokémon near LVL 30 to beat him. To get to your Dad you will need to beat three rooms straight of Gym trainers.

How much does an escape rope cost in Pokemon?

Regular Version

Lowest Highest Average
$0.15 $11.29 $1.39

How much is a great ball in Pokemon Emerald?

Price. 500 during the Goldenrod Department Store rooftop sale.

Where is the trick master hiding?

First, the Trick Master is hiding somewhere in the first room of the house. In the Generation III games, the first three times the player enters the house, a small twinkle indicates the Trick Master’s hiding place right away, but in later challenges and the Generation VI games the player must find him without any help.

What does the trick master give you?

The Trick Master will give you a Timer Ball.

Do one repel and soda pop cost more than a Super Potion?

Number three is south. Mechadoll 3 ———– Sell one Great Ball and buy one Potion. How much money remains? – Nothing Do one Repel and Soda Pop cost more than one Super Potion? – They will cost less.

Where do I get cut emerald?

Go to Rustboro City (the city where the first gym leader, Roxanne is). Go to the house next to the Pokémon Center. Talk to the man next to the table (the man is the only guy in the house). The guy you talk to will give you the HM Move Cut.

How do you get to Mauville city in Pokemon Emerald?

After you drop off the Devon Goods in Slateport and go north through Route 110, you reach Mauville City, home to the next Gym.