Users questions

How do you get a Soothe Bell in Pokemon Platinum?

How do you get a Soothe Bell in Pokemon Platinum?

2 Answers. the Soothe Bell can be found in the Pokemon Mansion on Route 212. Talk to one of the maids and they give it to you.

How does soothe Bell Work platinum?

Re: Pokemon Platinum how does the soothe bell work The soothe bell is a held item for your Pokemon. What it does is increase the amount of happiness gained from simply walking around.

What is the fastest way to raise happiness in Pokemon Platinum?

2 Answers

  1. You can do the following: -Let it hold a Soothe Bell. It boosts the happiness gained from berries and massages.
  2. Make sure you don’t do these things, because they’ll lower Budew’s happiness instead: -Let it faint.
  3. How to check happiness: -Visit a certain NPC in Hearthome City.

How much friendship does soothe Bell give?

So, while in theory the soothe bell should reward you with 1.5 happiness for every 256 steps, in practice that . 5 is being rounded down. Additionally, it is +1 happiness for every 256 steps, not 0.happiness for every step.

Does Soothe Bell increase happiness?

Giving your Pokémon the Soothe Bell to hold will also increase their Friendship level, as will catching a Pokémon in a Luxury Ball or giving them Vitamins, like Iron. Finally, there are a variety of berries that you can give your Pokémon to help make them happier.

Is Hyper voice a good move?

Hyper Voice is arguably the most powerful Normal move. Taking just the Special-category moves, it’s better than Hyper Beam because with HB you need to rest, Judgement is Arceus-only (and is not usually Normal type anyway), and Wring Out is only powerful when the opponent has high HP.

Is liquid voice useful?

Liquid Voice makes sense of transforming the moves into water, but should buff their power and if a water move is already a sound move(Sparkling Aria) then maybe it could buff its effect into healing any of Primarinas status conditions that Primarina got, like burn, and so on.

Is sparkling aria good?

If we’re to believe that Sparkling Aria is going to be like Smelling Salts and Wake-Up Slap, then its base power will be 70 and boosted to 140 when used on a burned opponent. I believe that much like Wake-Up Slap, Sparkling Aria can be good if used correctly.