Users questions

How do you duplicate a key without the original?

How do you duplicate a key without the original?

Can I make a duplicate key without the original? It’s possible to have a duplicate key made without the original. If you don’t have the original key or it has been too worn down over time, you’ll need to see a professional locksmith who can use a code cutter to identify the groove depths of your lock’s key code.

Can you get a key cut for a lock without a key?

If it’s a lost key a locksmith can make you a key without the original, as locksmiths can make keys to lock by hand. By using a blank and a file and the skills, they’ve developed over the years a locksmith can create a key from scratch without the need for an original key.

Can locksmith open door without key?

If you are locked out of your home, flat or office a locksmith can pick the lock open securely without damaging the lock, common lockout problems a locksmith can help with are: Locked out with no key. Locked out with Key Inside in Door.

What do I do if I lock myself out of my house?

If you get locked out of your home, here’s what to do.

  1. Call a Friend, Family Member, or Your Landlord.
  2. See If a Window Is Open.
  3. Ask a Neighbor For Help––Or a Warm Place to Stay.
  4. Break Out Your Credit Card.
  5. Take Apart the Door Knob.
  6. Break In.
  7. Contact an Emergency Locksmith.
  8. Call For a Home Locksmith in Midtown Manhattan.

How do I open my car if I left the keys inside?

10 Methods That Can Help You Open the Car If You Locked Your Keys Inside

  1. Method #1: Use a tennis ball.
  2. Method #2: Use your shoelace.
  3. Method #3: Use a coat hanger.
  4. Method #4: Use a rod and a screwdriver.
  5. Method #5: Use a spatula.
  6. Method #6: Use an inflatable wedge.
  7. Method #7: Use a strip of plastic.

Why does a key get stuck in a lock?

Why Is My Key Sticking in the Lock? When a key gets stuck in a lock it is usually because the lock needs to be lubricated. The lock pins can get covered in dirt that has gradually got inside the lock, usually by the key.