Users questions

How do you do YoRHa betrayers?

How do you do YoRHa betrayers?

YoRHa Betrayers Walkthrough Go the locations marked around the City Ruins until you find two YoRHa units. Engage them in battle until they run away. Pursue to the next location. Continue searching the other marked locations around the City Ruins until you encounter them for the second time.

How do I get to 11ment memento?

11B’s Memento Walkthrough Head to the factory in City Ruins and find 11B’s corpse, located near a rock located at the very beginning of the game. Head back to the Bunker and speak with 16D. You can choose to keep her desertion to yourself or tell 16D. If you tell her the truth she will begin laughing and thank you.

How many times did 2B kill 9S?

Over the course of hundreds of operations, 2B was forced to kill 9S and wipe his memory countless times, an act that she came to hate for the pain it caused her after bonding with him over that time. (It is revealed in NieR: Orchestra Concert re:12018 that 2B killed 9S 48 times.)

What is 2B real name?

YoRHa No

What does B stand for in 2B?

The B in 2B stands for beach.

Why did A2 kill Forest King?

A2 was coincidentally on her kill everyone quest on the kingdom. But 2B and 9S had too many pauses, and they were confused for too long when staring at the baby king, so A2 lost her patience and decided to just stab him there.

Why is it called NieR?

There was originally Drakengard and it’s sequels. Then Yoko Taro decided to make a game set in a different world spun off of one of the endings and decided it would be titled NieR. It’s named after a guy who doesn’t exist and never existed in that universe so it makes as much sense as calling the game Cloud Strife.

Is 2b in Nier Replicant?

A free DLC pack for upcoming action RPG NieR Replicant has been leaked on the Microsoft Store (as per usual!). Titled ‘4 YoRHa’, the add-on contains four costumes and four weapons from NieR: Automata..

How old is 9S Nier?

9S states to be newly manufactured in 11942, so he is like 3 years old during the game.

Is Kaine in Nier Replicant?

Though originally rumored to be a character exclusive to the Japan-only Nier Replicant, the third trailer for NIER showcased an audio-only monologue of Kainé berating Nier’s book companion, Grimoire Weiss. Kaine is mentioned in NieR:Automata, along with Nier and Yonah, while Emil appears.

Does Nier love Kaine?

When it finally does come to the romantic love, it is not in a tired and trite series of events that ultimately end in Nier and Kaine having their Happily Ever After. But, even though the romance is pivotal for the final two endings, it never really becomes more important than any other relationship.

Can you play as Kaine in Nier?

NieR Reincarnation: Playable Character isn’t Kaine, Multiple Protagonists Confirmed. The interview focuses on both the mobile game NieR Reincarnation and NieR Repilcant ver.

Is Kaine an intersex?

Kainé, one of the main characters in Nier, is intersex and identifies as a woman. As a child, she was bullied relentlessly and has a preference for women’s clothing that accentuate her feminine features. …

Does Emil remember NieR?

By the end of the battle, with his battle mode in overdrive, the Emil in the truck finally remembered his time with Nier, Kaine and Weiss and didn’t want to fight anymore and be with them, and so he decided to self-destruct.

Why is Kaine dressed like that?

A female warrior and partner of Nier, she was part-possessed in a demonic attack, and became a hermaphrodite (futanari). As a result she was bullied from an early age, and out of resentment came to emphasise her female characteristics excessively through her choice of clothing.

Is Kaine a male?

Kaine’ has been identified as an intersex in all of the material that I’ve seen, so in her case she has male sexual organs but is otherwise anatomically a female. If she was a hermaphrodite, she’d have both male and female sexual organs.

Who is Emil Nier?

Emil is the younger twin brother of Halua. He is a young boy that joins Nier’s party towards the end of the first half of NieR, cursed (or as otherwise reassured by the party, blessed) with the ability to turn anyone who sees his eyes to stone.

Is Nier Replicant a remake or remaster?

1.… ,” or simply “Nier Replicant.” Developed by Toylogic, it’s both a remake and remaster of the overlooked 2010 action role-playing game that sets up the existential dread seen in “Automata.” Creator Yoko Taro’s writing finally got the attention it deserved, both from a growing audience and a development …

What is the difference between Nier Gestalt & Replicant?

NieR Replicant and Gestalt Only Have Minor Differences The main difference has to do with the main character, named NieR, and their relationship with Yonah. In Replicant Nier is a young teenage man and Yonah is his sister, but in Gestalt Nier is am an in his 40s with a daughter named Yonah.