Users questions

How do you change the font color on Tumblr?

How do you change the font color on Tumblr?

Enter some text, then tap the text until select options are revealed. Now select part of the text or select all of the text. Seven color options appear. Tap a color to change the text color.

How do I change the font color on my text messages?

Launch the Messaging app. From its main interface — where you see your full list of conversations — press the “Menu” button and see if you have a Settings option. If your phone is capable of formatting modifications, you should see various options for bubble style, font or colors within this menu.

How do I make text 3D in Illustrator?

First, group the letters by choosing Object > Group (Ctrl/Cmd + G) so that when we make our text three-dimensional, the letters stay as one shape instead of becoming individual 3D shapes. Next, choose Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel, which will open an Options dialog window.

How do you put a gradient on text in Photoshop?

Apply gradient fill to text Control-click (Command-click in Mac OS) the thumbnail for the text layer in the Layers panel to select the text. Select the Gradient tool. In the Tool Options bar, click the desired gradient type. Choose a gradient fill from the Gradient Picker panel.

How do you make text a different color in Photoshop?

Change text color

  1. Do one of the following: To change the color of text before you type it, select a type tool.
  2. To choose a color from a list of color swatches, click the the Color menu in the options bar. To select a color and add it to the palette, click .

Why are all my colors GREY on Photoshop?

When pictures are grayscale or black and white, the Color Picker’s options are reduced. You’ll find the image’s mode located off the “Image” menu’s “Mode” option. If “Grayscale” is checked, your image will not have colors to it and the Color Picker may show a gray, white or black hue.

Why is there no color in Photoshop?

The reason for your problem is likely to be that you’re working in the wrong color mode: the grayscale mode. If you want to work with a full range of colors, rather than just grays, then you’ll need to be working in either the RGB Mode or the CMYK Color Mode.

Why won’t colors show up on Photoshop?

I can’t seem to any colors but grayscale? It sounds like Photoshop is in grayscale mode. Check your Colour preferences (Edit > Color Settings) and make sure all the Color Management Policies are “off”. Open a new file (File > New), and set the mode to RGB or CMYK Color.

How do I Grayscale?

Convert a color photo to Grayscale mode

  1. Open the photo you want to convert to black-and-white.
  2. Choose Image > Mode > Grayscale.
  3. Click Discard. Photoshop converts the colors in the image to black, white, and shades of gray. Note:

Why is Photoshop pasting in black and white?

Chances are that your 2nd image is in greyscale mode and thus any picture you paste over forms a “layer” on that greyscale image and thus automatically turns into black and white. So all you need to do is to change the image mode from greyscale to RGB mode.

What is RGB in Photoshop?

Photoshop RGB Color mode uses the RGB model, assigning an intensity value to each pixel. In 8‑bits-per-channel images, the intensity values range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each of the RGB (red, green, blue) components in a color image. RGB images use three colors, or channels, to reproduce colors on screen.

What’s the difference between sRGB and Adobe RGB?

Basically, it’s a specific range of colors that can be represented. In other words, sRGB can represent the same number of colors as Adobe RGB, but the range of colors that it represents is narrower. Adobe RGB has a wider range of possible colors, but the difference between individual colors is bigger than in sRGB.

Which is better 8 bit or 16 bit?

The main difference between an 8 bit image and a 16 bit image is the amount of tones available for a given color. An 8 bit image is made up of fewer tones than a 16 bit image. The amount of tones available are calculated by 2 to the exponent of the bit.