How do you calculate the solubility of AgCl?

How do you calculate the solubility of AgCl?

from which [Ag+] = (2.8 x 10-10)1/2 = 1.7 x 10-5 M and of course [Cl-] = 1.7 x 10-5 M. Since the concentration of Ag+ (or Cl-) in the solution must match the amount of AgCl dissociated then the solubility of of silver chloride in water is 1.7 x 10-5 M, i.e., only 1.7 x 10-5 moles/liter dissociates.

What is the solubility of KCL at 40 C in 100 grams of water?

Substance Solubility in 100g water
KNO3at 70°C 140g
NH4Cl at 90°C 72g
NaCl at 100°C 40g
KI at 20°C 145g

What are the types of solubility?

Qualifiers used to describe extent of solubility

Term Mass parts of solvent required to dissolve 1 mass part of solute
Soluble 10 to 30
Sparingly soluble 30 to 100
Slightly soluble 100 to 1000
Very slightly soluble 1000 to 10,000

How can you improve solubility?

There are various techniques to enhance the drug solubility such as particle size reduction, nanosuspension, use of surfactants, salt formation, solid dispersion, etc. From this article it may be concluded that solid dispersion is an important approach for improvement of bioavailability of poor water-soluble drugs.

Is solubility a chemical reaction?

Solubility is a physical property. The reason is because it can be determined by simple observation and does not change the chemical composition of the material. For example, when salt dissolves in water, it is still salt.

How does structure affect solubility?

In general, polar substances will dissolve other polar substances, while nonpolar materials will dissolve other nonpolar materials. The greater the difference in molecular structure (and hence in intermolecular attractions), the lower the mutual solubility.

Does polarity affect solubility?

Polarity affects solubility because generally, polar solvents dissolve polar molecules and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar molecules.

Why is polarity important in solubility?

​For a solute to dissolve the attraction to the solvent molecules must be stronger than the bonds holding the atoms/molecules of the solute together. Polar substances dissolve polar substances. e.g. Water, being polar attracts the molecules of other polar substances (e.g. HCl) and will dissolve them.

Does polarity affect melting point?

A strong attraction between molecules results in a higher melting point. In organic compounds, the presence of polarity, especially hydrogen bonding, usually leads to a higher melting point. The melting points of polar substances are higher than the melting points of nonpolar substances with similar sizes.

Do polar or nonpolar have higher melting points?

Forces between polar molecules which arise in this way are called dipole forces. The existence of dipole forces explains why polar molecules have higher boiling points and melting points than do nonpolar molecules.