Users questions

How do you buy IMVU credits?

How do you buy IMVU credits?

Purchasing Credits

  1. STEP 1: Go to, and then login to your account.
  2. STEP 2: Click CREDITS, and then select Buy Credits.
  3. STEP 3: Under Select a Package, select the option that you prefer.
  4. STEP 4: If you want to make an upgrade, look on the second column then check the option that you prefer.

Is CP better than AP?

At some high schools, CP courses, or college prep courses, are classes that prepare you for your future educational career as a college student. AP classes are courses you can take to earn college credit and are, therefore, instructed at a college level and can be quite difficult.

Are honor classes hard?

In many high schools Honors courses are just the normal courses “made harder” with extra readings, extra assignments, and extra hard grading of students. But at college, Honors courses are specially “enriched” courses, not normal courses made “harder,” and grading standards are the same as in normal college courses.

Is IB higher than honors?

Generally, honors classes offer a more challenging version of a regular course. Oftentimes, if honors courses are weighted, they are weighted to a lesser degree than AP and IB courses i.e. an A in an AP course may be worth 5 grade points, while an A in an honors class is worth 4.5.

What does honor type NH mean?

Not Honors

Is Pre IB the same as honors?

Do I say Pre-IB/Pre-AP was counted or not counted as honors? If you’re OOS then no, it is not counted as honors.

Can I start IB in 11th grade?

To participate as a diploma candidate the IB student must fulfill the following requirements starting in the 11th grade: Enroll in six IB subjects over 2 years. Write an original essay (called the Extended Essay) of approximately 4000 words. Take the Theory of Knowledge class for two years.

What is pre-IB?

Courses taken before the 11th and 12th grade years are classified as Pre-IB classes. If students take exams in all their subjects, receive satisfactory scores and complete the community service, essay and Theory of Knowledge components, students receive an IB diploma.

What does IB mean for honors type?

Designated International Baccalaureate