Users questions

How do you abbreviate phone number?

How do you abbreviate phone number?

tel. (also tel. no.) Want to learn more?

How do you abbreviate a phone number on a business card?

You can use “Tel:” and “Mob:” to abbreviate the phone in the business card.

What is an M phone number?

M Mobile — the person’s mobile phone number. F Fax — the person’s fax number.

What does P mean in email?

;P. means “Winking and Sticking Tongue Out”. This icon is often used at the end of a cheeky or playful message (or as a cheeky or playful response to a message).

What does re mean in chat?

When someone come back after being away he may say “Re” as an English speaker could say “I’m back”. It come from “Re-bonjour” which is a slang term for “Hello again”. The prefix “re” means “again”. –

What is re in bank?

RE stands for Revenue Expenditure.

What is SGL in bank?

SGL account denotes Subsidiary General Ledger which is maintained with Reserve Bank of India for holding Government Securities and T-Bills in paperless form (or what in retail is called the demat account for G-secs!). The account is used for facilitating delivery and payment trades.

What does SGL mean?

Subsidiary General Ledger

What is SLR in banking?

Statutory Liquidity Ratio popularly called SLR is the minimum percentage of deposits that the commercial bank maintains through gold, cash and other securities. However, these deposits are maintained by the banks themselves and not with the RBI or Reserve Bank of India.

What is SLR example?

This percentage is known as SLR. This money is predominantly invested in government approved securities (bonds), Gold, which mean the banks can earn some amount as ‘interest’ on these investments as against CRR where they do not earn anything. Example – An Individual deposits say Rs 1000 in bank.

What is the current SLR?


What is the meaning of CRR and SLR?

CRR or cash reserve ratio is the minimum proportion / percentage of a bank’s deposits to be held in the form of cash. SLR or statutory liquidity ratio is the minimum percentage of deposits that a bank has to maintain in form of gold, cash or other approved securities.

Which banks maintain CRR and SLR?

The Central Bank controls the liquidity in the Banking system with CRR. In the case of SLR, the securities are kept with the banks themselves, which they need to maintain in the form of liquid assets. In CRR, the cash reserve is maintained by the banks with the Reserve Bank of India.