How do unresponsive yoyos work?

How do unresponsive yoyos work?

The unresponsive yoyo, unlike the responsive yoyo, doesn’t come back into your hand when you pull up on it. Instead it just stays spinning at the bottom of the string. You have to pinch the loop around your non-dominant hand while changing the height of your hands. The yoyo will then come straight back into your hand.

How does a yoyo come back up?

Usually, the string is tied loosely around the axle so that the yo-yo can continue to spin at the bottom. When the axle thus stops slipping, the angular momentum of the spinning yo-yo is sufficient to cause the string to wind around the axle. This, of necessity, causes the yo-yo to begin to ‘climb’ back up the string.

Why does the yo-yo slow down and stop?

Going up and down, a yo-yo continually cycles between having potential energy and having kinetic energy. Of course, a yo-yo will eventually stop, and that is because friction slows it down a little bit more on each trip up and down its string.

What is an unresponsive YoYo?

Responsive means that when you tug the string of a sleeping yoyo, it will return to your hand. Unresponsive means that when you tug the string, it won’t come back, and to make it come back you need a bind. If you’re just starting out, you’ll want to buy a responsive yoyo.

Why does my YoYo not sleep?

If the string is twisted too tightly, the yo-yo cannot spin in the loop at the end and will not sleep. But if the string is not twisted tightly enough, the yo-yo will not return. Experiment to find the perfect easy sleep – easy return string tension.

What is a good score on the yoyo test?

What is a good result? The Yo-Yo intermittent test (level 1) usually takes between 6-20 minutes to complete. A good score for male team sport athletes is over 20 in the test, and over 22 would be considered an excellent score. Female team sport athletes generally score between 12 and 16.

Why does my yoyo keeps tilting?

If the yo-yo starts out straight, and then starts to lean sideways, your string is probably twisted too much or too little. This exerts a force on the yo-yo, trying to turn it. Due to force induced precession, the yo-yo will slowly tilt sideways.

Can you make a unresponsive yoyo responsive?

A small drop off the end of a needle on just a few of the balls in the bearing is all that is needed. More lube will actually make your yoyo responsive as it slows the bearing down.

How do you open a Duncan Imperial yoyo?

After you open it, the yoyo will not close. Here is how: twist and pull the two halves apart with all your force. STOP! Use a butterfly knife and pry it open one side at a time, then glue it back together when you’re done I suppose.