Users questions

How do I submit a question to MBMBaM?

How do I submit a question to MBMBaM?

If you’re in desperate need of a bit of advice, don’t be shy! Simply send an email to [email protected] and we’ll take care of that for you. Follow @MBMBaM on Twitter.

Where can I listen to my brother and brother?


Which McElroy brother is which?

Travis “Scraps” Patrick McElroy is a co-host of My Brother, My Brother and Me. He is the middlest brother of Justin McElroy and Griffin McElroy. He is married to Teresa McElroy. He is the only one of the three MBMBAM brothers whomst is legally allowed to commit any and all crimes.

What level is Taako?

16th level

Is Lup short for Chalupa?

Continuing that silly naming scheme, Griffin originally named Taako’s twin sister Lup, short for Chalupa. I think it’s the coolest thing about this podcast.” So ultimately, rather than commit to a 2-year-old setup for an admittedly “pseudo-joke,” Griffin explicitly states “Lup’s name is L-U-P.

How old is Taako?

It is known Taako is over sixty-five years old. It can be assumed that Taako is over one hundred years old, since elves are not considered adults until that age. There is a possibility that Taako went by another name before he reached adulthood.

How many times has Taako died?

Taako has died 8 times throughout the Stolen Century.

How old is Magnus burnsides?


How tall is Taako?

about 5’6″

How much are the McElroy brothers worth?

Griffin and his brothers also host live shows. He also has a YouTube channel. Therefore, Griffin McElroy has an estimated net worth of $1.2 million.

What kind of dwarf is Merle?

He is a beach dwarf cleric and former mercenary soldier with a neutral good alignment who enjoys long walks on the beach.

What does Ipre stand for Taz?

The Red Robes, from the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration (IPRE), are a group of explorers and scientists who created the Grand Relics. The members are known by the red robes they sport.

What is Ipre?

Income-Producing Real Estate (IPRE)

What does Ipre stand for?


Acronym Definition
IPRE Illustrated Properties Real Estate (Palm Beach Gardens, FL)
IPRE Institute of Planar Research and Exploration (fictional organization; The Adventure Zone podcast)
IPRE Income-Producing Real Estate
IPRE IP Packet-Transfer Reference Event

How many hours is the adventure zone?

The Adventure Zone
Length ~90 minutes
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes Main campaigns: 135

How many hours is Taz balance?

With 12 decks of double-sided cards as a foundation, TAZ: Bureau of Balance provides players with over 120 hours of unique challenges. If you’ve never heard The Adventure Zone, there’s no better time to start listening!

How long does it take to listen to the Adventure Zone?

3.5 hours

Is the adventure zone scripted?

Well, it’s absolutely not totally scripted. Griffin’s part in it is, cuz it always has been. He’s making a story, that’s how it works. That said, there are meaningful choices being made within the (tight) bounds of the story, and there are maybe 2 or 3 episodes left in the arc.

How many hours is Taz amnesty?

Episodes 30-35 ranged in length from just over an hour to a full two hours. Which adds up to over seven hours of “finale” material before the actual finale. For comparison, the TAZ: Balance finale wasn’t even six and a half hours.