Users questions

How do I stop sparks in my chimney?

How do I stop sparks in my chimney?

An exterior spark arrestor is installed at the top of the chimney to prevent stray sparks from igniting the roof or nearby trees. Along with preventing a house fire, it also prevents animals from entering and nesting in the flue.

What are the signs of a chimney fire?

A loud, crackling or popping noise from the chimney flue (imagine the sound of a large bonfire) A lot of dense, thick smoke coming into the fireplace or out of the top of the chimney. Flames or things that are on fire (pieces of flaming creosote) coming from the top of the chimney. A strong, intensely hot smell.

What do you do if you have a chimney fire?

What to Do if You Have a Chimney Fire.

  1. Put a chimney fire extinguisher into the fireplace or wood stove.
  2. Close the glass doors on the fireplace.
  3. Close the inlets on the wood stove.
  4. Use a garden hose to spray down the roof (not the chimney) so the fire won’t spread to the rest of the structure.

Is a chimney fire dangerous?

Damage caused by chimney fires Coal soot chimney fires can create temperatures up to 1000 degrees centrigrade inside the chimney. As the chimney heats up during the chimney fire it expands – this causes plasterwork to crack and even blow off and can cause structural damage to the chimney.

What causes creosote buildup in a chimney?

It is produced by combustion gases that are given off from burning wood. When the temperature in your flue is below 250 degrees Fahrenheit, these gases condense in your chimney and buildup along the lining of the flue. Since flue temperatures often dip below 250 degrees, creosote regularly builds up.

What can I burn to clean my chimney?

One method to loosen crusty or tarry creosote so it flakes off and falls down into the firebox or fireplace is to burn aluminum cans in a very hot fire.

Is burning cardboard bad for chimney?

While it’s easy to ignite and may seem like a good way to help get a fire started, burning cardboard can be dangerous. Because cardboard is treated with chemicals and often contains inks, it can release them into the air when burned. Or, more commonly, they can float up into your chimney and cause a chimney fire.

Do Duraflame logs clean chimney?

In fact, tests show that a duraflameĀ® firelog has 66% less creosote accumulation per hour of fire than the creosote accumulation from burning a wood fire. Nevertheless, we recommend you have a certified chimney sweep inspect your chimney on an annual basis and clean it if necessary, no matter what you burn.

How often should you clean the chimney?

How often should I have my chimney swept? This a tougher question than it sounds. The simple answer is: The National Fire Protection Association Standard 211 says, “Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances.

Can I roast marshmallows over a Duraflame log?

Duraflame is America’s no. 1 brand of firelogs. Duraflame Campfire Roasting Logs provide all of the ambiance of a wood fire without the mess or hassle. A robust, wood-like fire creates hot, glowing coals safe for roasting marshmallows, hot dogs or cooking other campfire foods.

Can you roast marshmallows over fire glass?

When roasting marshmallows over a wood fire pit, the melted marshmallow will simply fall into the fire and burn up with the wood. Since the glass won’t burn, the marshmallow will continue to heat up. Eventually, it will harden to the surface and getting the mallow off will be almost impossible.

Can you use Duraflame logs in a fire pit?

Duraflame Campfire Roasting Logs is a versatile product that may be burned in not only wood stoves, but indoor fireplaces, campgrounds, fire pits, beach fire rings, and outdoor fireplaces.

How many logs should I put in my fireplace?

Around 2 to 3 logs should be used when building a fire the conventional way, but more or less can be used depending on the size of you fireplace, the size of the fire you’re building and the size of the logs.

Can I leave wood fireplace on all night?

Never leave your burning fireplace unattended. The smoke from burning wood contains carbon monoxide, so in order to prevent this toxic byproduct from entering your home, it is important to leave the flue open overnight.