Users questions

How do I know if my Adderall is XR?

How do I know if my Adderall is XR?

This medicine is a orange clear, oblong, capsule imprinted with “ADDERALL XR” and “30 mg”. This medicine is a orange clear, oblong, capsule imprinted with “ADDERALL XR” and “30 mg”. This medicine is a orange clear, oblong, capsule imprinted with “ADDERALL XR” and “30 mg”.

Can I have a glass of wine on Adderall?

You should not drink alcohol during treatment with Adderall. Not only can combining the two cause dangerous effects on your body, but it may also make your ADHD worse.

Does Adderall affect menstrual cycle?

Does Adderall cause changes in menstrual cycles, like missed periods? The published literature on side effects of Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Adderall does not suggest a relationship between Adderall and the menstrual cycle.

Does Adderall affect heart rate?

In the short term, Adderall can raise your blood pressure and heart rate, and cause you to breathe harder. If you take too much of it, you could put your heart and your health at risk

Will palpitations ever go away?

In most cases, heart palpitations will go away on their own. They usually aren’t harmful if the palpitations aren’t associated with a heart condition. The best treatment is to identify the underlying cause of heart palpitations to reduce the trigger.

What food causes palpitations?

Heartburn that occurs due to eating spicy or rich foods can also trigger heart palpitations. High sodium foods can cause palpitations, too. Many common foods, especially canned or processed foods, contain sodium as a preservative.

Can lack of sleep cause heart palpitations?

Poor sleep, including abrupt awakenings, can generate a sharp uptick in heart rate. Research has also found that people with sleeping problems are more likely to complain of an irregular heartbeat. For these reasons, lack of sleep may be tied to heart palpitations

Why did I wake up with my heart pounding?

Anxiety. Stress and anxiety trigger the release of stress hormones, which in turn increase your heart rate and blood pressure. The more anxious you feel, the more pronounced your symptoms can be. If you have depression or anxiety, or are under a lot of stress, you may wake up with a racing heart from time to time