Users questions

How do I fix code p1320?

How do I fix code p1320?

Turn the ignition key to the on position, don’t crank it. If you don’t get 12V, then that means you have a problem in the harness connector. There must be splices at the back or chafing of wires. Next, verify that ignition condenser is getting enough power.

What causes ignition condenser failure?

Sometimes new points have a rust inhibitor, that also inhibits a good flow of current. Since the condenser is in parallel, it may be absorbing too much current, causing it to fail.

Will a bad condenser cause weak spark?

Weak spark is often the result of a bad condenser (and it’s a cheap part to replace). If you see higher resistance here, then you need to clean and check the connections and the circuit path to ground through the points. Also check resistance between the distributor body and the engine block.

Does an ignition condenser need to be grounded?

Your outdoor condenser unit must be grounded to meet most local codes. The copper ground wire should be connected to the ground terminal block, which is mounted to the metal panel. The wire is then held in place with a tightened screw.

How do you troubleshoot points and condenser?

First check for power to the coil. If you have 12v there, then manually open the points and check for spark from the coil. If no spark, remove the wire from the points and manually “spark” it to ground. If spark, then problem is bad points or condensor.

How do you test a point condenser?

How to Test a Condenser in a Small Engine

  1. Remove the condenser from the engine.
  2. Switch the volt ohmmeter to the ohms position.
  3. Touch the red lead to the hot connector on the condenser.
  4. Remove the leads and reverse the placement to the condenser.
  5. Movement from the meter’s needle indicates the condenser is good.

What does a condenser do with points?

Basically the function of a condenser in a coil ignition circuit is to reduce the spark at the contact points as they open in the distributor and thus minimise burning and pitting of the points. Arcing is caused by the effect of self induction in the coil as the points interrupt the flow of current.

How do you replace points and condenser?

Part 1 of 1: Replacing a points & condenser

  1. Materials Needed.
  2. Step 1: Disconnect battery.
  3. Step 2: Locate and remove distributor cap.
  4. Step 3: Disconnect and remove the set of points.
  5. Step 4: Remove condenser.
  6. Step 5: Install new condenser.
  7. Step 6: Install new points set.
  8. Step 7: Grease distributor.

What causes points to burn up?

The usual causes for pitted or burned points are setting the points too close or having a bad condenser. I assume you have replaced both the condenser and the points, so double check the gap on the points. Or even better, use a dwell meter if you can find one.

What gap should points be set at?

Then it stops because the points are so badly burned they can’t perform their function. The Haynes manual recommends a point gap of . 016-. 020 inches for engines used in the P1800.

Should points be open or closed at TDC?

Theoretically, the points should be just in the process of going from closed to open at #1 TDC. However, it is of no consequence. The timing light is used to adjust that. if you watch the points while you rotate the distributor body, you will see that you can make the points open OR close just be rotating the housing.

How long do ignition points last?

around 15,000 miles

How do I know that my ignition points are still good?

Test for continuity between the block and the stationary point attached to the distributor plate. Rotate the engine until the points are closed. Use the multi-meter to test for a good connection between the points. A slight gap when the points are supposed to be closed will keep your machine from running.

How do you tell if you have points or electronic ignition?

If you do have a standard distributor cap, you can open the cap up and peek inside. A points type ignition will have what are called points (duh) installed in the distributor, just below the rotor (that colored plastic part that spins around when the engine is running).

Does electronic ignition increase horsepower?

Electronic igntion is not so much about HP gain. It is about having the timing advance when high and LOP to get better fuel efficiency.

What does an electronic ignition do?

The electronic ignition system is the type of ignition system that uses electronic circuits, usually by transistors controlled by sensors to generate electric pulses which in turn generate the better spark that can even burn the lean mixture and provide better economy and lower emission.

Do upgraded coil packs increase horsepower?

More windings and heavier gauge material for those windings typically improves the performance of a coil. Davis points out however that often even with those changes an upgraded coil can fit within an OEM size case or housing, or one that is only slightly larger.

Users questions

How do I fix code P1320?

How do I fix code P1320?

Possible solutions of the DTC code P1320

  1. See the Technical Service Bulletins (TSB).
  2. Scan to verify that there are no established fault codes related to the CKP or CMP sensors.
  3. Check all wiring and ignition coil connectors.
  4. Use a DVOM to do electrical checks on the coils and their circuitry.

What does P1320 mean?

Ignition Signal
Error Code P1320 is defined as Ignition Signal, or Ignition Coil and Power Transistor. This code is set when the ignition signal in the primary circuit is not sent to the PCM (powertrain control module, also known as ECM or engine control module in other vehicle makes) during engine cranking or running.

What is ignition signal primary?

The ignition signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) is sent to and amplified by the power transistor. The power transistor turns on and off the ignition coil primary circuit. This on-off operation induces the proper high voltage in the coil secondary circuit.

How do you test a Nissan ignition condenser?

Place the black lead to the metal case on the condenser. The meter’s needle should jump slightly to the right (toward 0-ohms), then should drop back to the left towards infinite resistance). Hold the leads in place for 15 to 20 seconds. This action places charge in the condenser.

What is ignition signal?

Error Code P1320 is defined as Ignition Signal, or Ignition Coil and Power Transistor. There are three basic types of automotive ignition systems: distributor-based, distributor-less, and coil-on-plug (COP). Early ignition systems used fully mechanical distributors to deliver the spark at the right time.

How do you know if your ignition condenser is bad?

Yellow Sparking If you suspect the condenser is going bad, you can sometimes tell by watching the engine run while it is in idle. The point cover needs to be removed and some engines won’t run without it, but if the condenser is going bad, you are likely to see a large yellow spark jump between the two contact points.

What causes ignition condenser failure?

What causes ignition condenser failure? These can fail from electrical overstress, for example an overvoltage condition from an improper jump start or a current surge (load dump) from an alternator failing while running. Besides those, automotive components are subject to shock, vibration, and temperature extremes.

How does an ignition condenser work?

Basically the function of a condenser in a coil ignition circuit is to reduce the spark at the contact points as they open in the distributor and thus minimise burning and pitting of the points. Arcing is caused by the effect of self induction in the coil as the points interrupt the flow of current.

What happens when a ignition condenser goes bad?

A failing points and condenser system can cause rough running, misfires, lean and rich conditions. If your vehicle runs rough, the engine will not fire, or the vehicle will not start at all, it may the points and condenser system that is the issue.

How do you diagnose a bad ignition condenser?