How do I find the date I posted a YouTube video?

How do I find the date I posted a YouTube video?


  1. Enter a search term or phrase in the top Search field and press “Enter.”
  2. Click the “Filters” button and select an appropriate date range from the Upload Date section.
  3. Click the “Filters” button again and select “Upload Date” in the Sort By section.

Can you hide the upload date on YouTube?

Click the “Modules” tab on the Edit My Channel page. Scroll down to the “Event Dates” option box, and then click the check box to remove the check mark and disable the option.

When exactly was a YouTube video uploaded?


What is the best time to upload video on YouTube in India?

To this end, posting on weekday afternoons gives YouTube ample time to index videos and deliver them to subscriber feeds. Frederator advises post times between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.

Does upload time matter YouTube?

That’s why posting a few hours before rush time is beneficial. So, by the time every YouTuber posts their video, your video will have views, engagement, it will be searchable, and the YouTube algorithm will more likely recommend it.

How many videos can you upload to YouTube in one day?

You can Upload 2000 videos without limit per day and month. After 2000 videos there will limit, 50 Videos per day..!

What is the best day to upload a YouTube video?

The best time and day to publish YouTube videos: The days that show the highest level of engagement are Friday through Saturday, as well as Wednesday. The best time to post, in general, is at 5pm, though you can still get success until 9pm before you see serious diminishing returns.

Can I earn money on YouTube without subscribers?

First, YouTube channels can be monetized even if they don’t have millions of subscribers. Your earning potential isn’t determined solely by the number of subscribers and views you have, but also by the level of engagement you generate, the niche you cater to, and the revenue channels you explore.

What are the new YouTube rules for 2020?

Starting in January 2020, if creators mark a video as directed at kids, data collection will be blocked for all viewers, resulting in lower ad revenue, and those videos will lose some of the platform’s most popular features, including comments and end screens.

How do you tell if a channel is monetized?

When you turn on ads, you’ll see a monetization icon next to each video. The icons let you know if the video is monetizing. Whether you’ll get revenue depends on several factors, including copyright claims, revenue sharing, and advertiser-friendliness.

What makes a YouTube video demonetized?

YouTube demonetization is when videos or channels lose their ability to earn advertising income. This is often due to changes in YouTube’s advertising algorithm. Videos are removed from their Account Monetization program.