Users questions

How do I enable analog on ePSXe?

How do I enable analog on ePSXe?

In ePSXe 1.7. 0 when you run a game or when you press F5 to toggle Analog ON/OFF, a small picture indicator shows up in the up-right corner of the screen, informing you that the Analog is ON or OFF. I think this is a good feature, informing you always whether the Analog is ON or OFF.

How do you fix PS3 when it says connect the controller using a USB cable?

Reset Your PS3 Controller

  1. Turn off your PS3 console.
  2. Plug the controller into the USB port on the console.
  3. Turn on your PS3.
  4. Look for a small hole on the back on the controller near the L2 shoulder button.
  5. Press the PS button on the controller to re-pair it with the PS3.

Do PS3 controllers work on Android?

Yes, Sixaxis Controller lets you use your wireless PS3 controllers with your Android phone or tablet, making your new Galaxy Tab or Xoom an emulation paradise. You can download the app in the Android Market, but be sure to check if your device is compatible first by using the compatibility checker app.

Where is the reset button on PS3 controller?

Reset the Wireless Controller Locate the small reset button on the bottom of the SIXAXIS or DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller near the L2 shoulder button. Use a small, unfolded paperclip or something similar to click the button (the button is inside a tiny hole).

Does Playstation 3 controller charge while off?

No, it won’t charge through the PS3 while it’s off. There are several controller charging stands you can purchase that plug into a wall outlet and will charge separate from the PS3.

Can you change the battery in a PS3 controller?

The package includes a small phillips head screw driver for removing the 5 small screws holding together the PS3 controller. Opening the controller to replace the battery was easy once I watched a youtube video of how to do it. This battery has a higher mAh rating so it lasts longer between charges.

Do PlayStation controllers charge system off?

The controller battery charges when you connect the controller to your PS4™ system with a USB cable. The system must be turned on or in rest mode. While the system is in rest mode, the light bar slowly blinks orange. When charging is complete, the light bar turns off.