How do I change my IRC password?

How do I change my IRC password?

IRC Passwords To change the password of your nick, use the command /ns set password newPassword. Channel keys (passwords for joining a channel) can be set with /mode #channel +k channelKey. They can be unset by changing the +k to a -k.

How do I register freenode?

  1. Connect to the freenode network. /connect
  2. Change your nickname. /nick nickname.
  3. Register your user name. /msg nickserv register [password] [email address]
  4. Check your email and verify your account. You should immediately receive a verification email.
  5. Log in to freenode.

How do I connect freenode to IRC?

You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000 and 7070 for TLS-encrypted connections.

How do I log into IRC?

Connect to an IRC Network

  1. Press on the + in the top left corner.
  2. Press Add Network and select the IRC network from the list you would like to join or press Custom Network and enter the details.
  3. Enter the name of the chat room you would like to join or select the chat room(s) from the list and then press Join.

How do I leave an IRC channel?

You can leave a channel by clicking the channel window close button, or you can use the /part command, which is another Basic IRC command similar to /join. The format of the /part command is /part #channel where #channel is the name of the channel you want to leave.

How do I connect to IRC in terminal?

IRC Console Client After installing irssi, you may type “irssi” in a terminal and the program will initiate. To connect to the “MegaGlest” IRC room like we did previously, you may type “/SERVER” and press enter, and then type “/JOIN #megaglest” and hit enter again and you’re good to go.

How do you use Freenode?

Setting your IRC client to identify upon connect

  1. Go to File, Select Server, Options, Perform.
  2. Go to Network, click Add, find ‘freenode’ in the list and click OK.
  3. In the Perform Commands section, add: /nick nickname_you_want.
  4. Click OK as many times as you need to get out of the menus and you’re all done.

How do I chat on IRC?

Tutorial: How to Use mIRC to Connect to IRC

  1. Step 1 — Install mIRC. Download and Install mIRC from the official mIRC webpage.
  2. Step 2 — Run mIRC.
  3. Step 3 — Choose a Server.
  4. Step 4 — Create a Nickname.
  5. Step 5 — Join a Channel.
  6. Step 6 — Create Your Own Channel.

Is mIRC dead?

IRC isn’t dead and will be continue to be around, but it’s limitations make it a hard sell to new folks who just want to chat and already have a FaceBook profile and don’t see the point of caring about privacy on Discord.

Is mIRC still a thing?

So if you’re wondering what has happened to the mIRC, you can rest assured that they’re still alive and kicking (surprise, surprise?). A quick search will present the official mIRC website, with the registration and download links still up, so you’re free to return to your good ol’ days.

How Safe Is IRC?

IRC, by default, does not use encryption [1]. You can, however, use SSL on top of TCP if both the client and server support it [2]. Be careful, most networks have multiple servers and they might not communicate in a secure way. Also, DCC connections (direct connections to other IRC users) might not be encrypted.

Why do hackers use IRC?

IRC is a highly extensible and straightforward protocol. It’s easy to create bots on it without the need for any wrappers. Many botnets are handled on IRC channels due it’s simplicity. Most IRC server software are also open source and make for an attractive option.

Is mIRC safe to download?

Also note that mIRC isn’t a file trading program – downloading with mIRC is often illegal (bollywood films are copyrighted too!) and can lead to being infected. Some good rules to follow are: – Never click on links that are sent to you except from trusted people that you know well.

What is HexChat used for?

HexChat is an Internet Relay Chat client, forked from XChat. It has a choice of a tabbed document interface or tree interface, support for multiple servers, and numerous configuration options. Both command-line and graphical versions were available.

What protocol does IRC use?


Is IRC a protocol?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a protocol for real-time text messaging between internet-connected computers created in 1988. It is mainly used for group discussion in chat rooms called “channels” although it supports private messages between two users, data transfer, and various server-side and client-side commands.

What ports does IRC typically use?

IRC. Internet Relay Chat, commonly found on ports and 7000, but really, found on most any port.

How do I set up IRC?

How to Set Up and Use Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

  1. Step 1 Download & Install XChat. GNU/Linux users, download XChat from here.
  2. Step 2 Configure XChat and Connect to a Channel. Open up XChat and change all of the settings to your liking, such as your nick, auto-identify password and startup networks.
  3. Step 3 Register a Nickname.

Does Internet Relay Chat still exist?

You don’t hear much about Internet Relay Chat (IRC) these days because social media and Slack have stolen some of its thunder. However, it’s far from dead! In fact, 2020 might be the best time to join (or rejoin) the text-based chat revolution.

What does mean in IRC?

Internet Relay Chat

Is discord just IRC?

Discord, overwhelmingly. Every IRC community I used to be a part of even a year ago has made the jump. Discord provides seamless cloud message logging, mobile notifications, intuitive clients, a huge ecosystem of easy-to-use bots, and integration with games that just works without the user having to set anything up.

Which of the following is an Internet Relay Chat bot?


IRC Bot Primary developers Software license
Eggdrop Eggheads GPL
EnergyMech proton GPL
Gozerbot Bart Thate BSD
Infobot Kevin Lenzo Artistic License

What RC means?


What does FTP stand for in information technology?

File Transfer Protocol