Users questions

How do I access Dtms?

How do I access Dtms?

For access to DTMS and the DTMS Knowledge Base, go to the Army Training Network at or contact the TMD help desk at (913) 684-2700, DSN: 552-2700, or toll-free at (877) 241-0347….

What is act in the army?

Army Career Tracker (ACT) is a leadership development tool that integrates training and education into one personalized, easy-to-use website. Users can search multiple Army education and training resources, monitor their career development and receive personalized advice from their supervisor and Army leadership.

What does Dtms stand for?

Does That Make Sense

Is sports an immediate and remedial action?

Board Answer: “Immediate.” Study Strategy: It is immediate because it involves, “quickly applying a possible correction to reduce a stoppage without performing troubleshooting procedures to determine the actual cause.”…

How often do soldiers have to qualify with weapons?

That system has been used for the past 55 years. Every soldier must qualify with his or her weapon once annually. Combat arms soldiers do a lot of shooting, starting with the infantry, combat engineers, armor, and artillery. Many support soldiers only fire their rifle during annual qualification….

What does 40 rounds mean in the Army?

Forty Rounds A soldier of the 13th Regiment was asked what his Corps badge was. Later, the story came to the attention of General John A. Logan, who ordered a cartridge box with the lettering “40 rounds” to be used in the Corps insigna.

Do you get to keep your gun from the army?

You only keep your service weapon while you’re on duty (in a billet that requires it) or while you are in a combat zone. You have to check out a weapon in the armory, and you will need written authorization to get a weapon and bullets as well. Weapons are something the military takes seriously.

What is buckshot used for?

Larger sizes of shot, large enough that they must be carefully packed into the shell rather than simply dumped or poured in, are called “buckshot” or just “buck”. Buckshot is used for hunting medium to large game, as a tactical round for law enforcement and military personnel, and for personal self-defense.

What are Slug rounds?

A slug is a term used for a bulky solid ballistic projectile. The term is occasionally applied to bullets (just the projectile, never the cartridge as a whole), but is most commonly applied to one-piece shotgun projectiles, to differentiate them from shotshells containing shots.

How far can you shoot a slug?

about 75 yards

Why are they called slugs?

The term slug derives from the days of hot-metal printing, when printers set type by hand in a small form called a stick. Later huge Linotype machines turned molten lead into casts of letters, lines, sentences and paragraphs. A line of lead in both eras was known as a slug….